kyle.burton 2019-11-14T01:40:09.034700Z

Just to let y’all know I am on my way, looks like I’ll be there just about 6, though may a few minutes after.

kyle.burton 2019-11-14T03:34:20.035100Z

Thanks for coming to the talk tonight. My slides are available here:

kyle.burton 2019-11-14T03:35:04.035800Z

the accompanying clojure file I used when developing the talk is here:

fiddlerwoaroof 2019-11-14T05:21:58.041300Z

The tricks I mentioned were: juxt instead of a hash function. E.g. (juxt count identity) instead of #(list (count %) %) (doto println) (or (doto tap>)) for temporarily logging the value of an expression, this is especially useful with the thread first macro:

(-> it ... (doto println) ...)

fiddlerwoaroof 2019-11-14T05:22:16.041600Z

(This is Ed)

fiddlerwoaroof 2019-11-14T06:09:58.043100Z

It was great to meet everyone, I need to come down more often

nate 2019-11-14T06:10:34.043900Z

Yes, it was great to meet you too.

nate 2019-11-14T06:12:31.045900Z

And for anyone interested in the podcast I'm one half of, head to (or look in your local podcast directory)

nate 2019-11-14T06:13:09.046500Z

We have a channel on here too: #clojuredesign-podcast

bocaj 2019-11-14T15:43:27.048500Z

@fiddlerwoaroof (Missed the meeting, no sitter last night, hi I’m Jacob πŸ™‚ ) I’m curious about the hash function! How did hash functions come up? I use these to avoid duplicate work on the edges of my system. I recently found a thorough one here

fiddlerwoaroof 2019-11-14T15:49:24.050900Z

@bocaj by hash function I meant the #(...) syntax for lambdas

kyle.burton 2019-11-14T15:55:56.052200Z

This "thread last" example was in the slides (sorts a list of strings by its length):

   ["sort" "this" "by" "length"]
   (map #(list (count %) %))
   (sort-by first)
   (mapv second))
Ed pointed out that the #(list (count %) %) could be written using juxt:
   ["sort" "this" "by" "length"]
   (map (juxt count identity))
   (sort-by first)
   (mapv second)
