thanks @nate for the talk on babashka!
you're welcome, glad to be able to share
thanks to everyone who showed up and listened and asked questions
btw it looks like babashka has even better shebang support now - i just tried this and it worked: foo.clj:
#!/usr/bin/env bb -iO --stream
(prn *input*)
ls | ./foo.clj
interesting, I get:
$ ls | ./foo.clj
/usr/bin/env: ‘bb -iO --stream’: No such file or directory
what platform are you on?
ah, I'm on linux, maybe mac is nicer
oh, you might try adding -S
to the env
#!/usr/bin/env -S bb -iO --stream
not sure if that’ll work?
hm, no -S
for my env
$ ls | ./foo.clj
/usr/bin/env: invalid option -- 'S'
Try '/usr/bin/env --help' for more information.
Ubuntu 18.04
For those that didn't catch my obscure time reference, it was an attempt at being the 50th anniversary of the o2 tank explosion on Apollo 13. I ended up being off by a three hours (EST/PST). Oh well. You can check out a great view of the real event here: https://apolloinrealtime.org/13/?t=055:51:52
Hm, looks like -S
was only introduced in coreutils 8.30. I have a box running Ubuntu 16.04 with coreutils 8.28 so it doesn’t work on there for me either.
wonder if Ubuntu 20.04 will have coreutils 8.30
oh wow this is amazing - thanks for sharing!
agreed, wow
I couldn't make it tonight, did you record?
@bocaj yes, it was recorded. Hopefully Ticean will post the video link soon.
Hey, just saw that @lukaszkorecki is interviewed oh the REPL podcast this week. Check it out: https://www.therepl.net/episodes/35/ Looking forward to listening.
I added more information to the README in https://github.com/justone/bb-scripts to show what is there and how to make more scripts. Hope it's helpful.
Here’s the video recording of @nate’s excellent babashka presentation. https://reactioncommerce.zoom.us/rec/share/9JRMKq6vqnhIWM_I0l3-YpQlMdq1aaa81CEe_6ZenkaSswaUNL4ttMnMbhzqvN1y
@nate your examples are 💯 I’m having a much better time spelunking kubectl output with jet
and bb
Also looking into https://github.com/nomnom-insights/nomnom.duckula thanks for the refresher on “the repl” podcast with @lukaszkorecki
my pleasure
@ticean awesome!!
the podcast plus upcoming clojure/north talk forced me to start wrapping up some of the features we haven't opensourced yet (end-to-end avro and swagger.json generator)
Off topic, looking for data modeling guidance. This is enterprisey but thorough turning relational into something graph-like: https://datavaultalliance.com/news/dv/understanding-data-vault-2-0/ any other resources you all recommend?
Yeah, didn’t think so 🙂 weird space where databse modelers trying to solve the world with an “EDW”.
Is that something like the star schema? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_schema
I’m finding it interesting b/c the author’s point is to make it immutable at the core, and make as few assumptions in a foundational model, and then layer other stuff on top
so “star++” maybe 🙂, I think there’s a quote calling it “6th normal form” 🤷
A Star schema would go on top. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_vault_modeling
Cruxdb might be solid enough soon to forego modeling something like redshift to be immutable, and then write something on top of cruxdb so it works well with BI tools, metabase, or something similar.
If anyone’s interested, I’ve been following Crux and I think they’ll get SQL working well soon, https://opencrux.com/docs#faq-comparisons
I've definitely wanted to try Crux out, are they thinking of providing an SQL interface to it?
It’s work in progress :) https://github.com/juxt/crux/issues/514
Very cool!
or SQL data as a source?
Um, I think they’re going with Kafka sinks/source for shuttling things around. The SQL interface is to execute queries using e.g. jdbc.next