I'll be giving the next meetup talk on Introductory ClojureScript (e.g. setup, repl, compilation, tools to use). If you have anything you want me to cover let me know.
Happy to announce that @spinningtopsofdoom will be speaking at Clojure West 🦜
I'm still wondering if anyone's using lighttable
I am pretty impressed with it but I felt that it lacked polish last time I tried
I have not used lighttable, @spinningtopsofdoom did you look at it?
I used it when it first came out, but haven't actively used in years. I've looked at it ~2 weeks ago it has the same look and feel as when the production release was first announced.
I was actually excited about the preproduction one because it seemed to be opinionated about dealing with blocks of code rather than files per se
or at least the developer wasn't supposed to think in terms of files
and I kind of envisioned an editor where you could slide those blocks around however you wanted... of course you could just do that with splits in others editors, so I dunno
also I like the worksheet approach (still in the current one) whereby you get the value of each line right after the line... but it's a little buggy
but then I have a propensity at times to focus too much on the editor and not code
hey @randyg503
howdy @kliph found the following interesting, never seen it before....https://juxt.pro/radar.html
how cool! does that exist for any other languages?
@echristopherson: apparently JUXT borrowed the concept from http://thoughtworks.com (which appears to have additional interesting radars)
I'd like to see those animated
looks like once something's no longer novel they (thoughtworks) drop it from the radar