i’ll do my best to answer questions it# /cc @christianromney @adrianm
(although i don’t know cljs
thanks @bryce much of your clojure knowledge will apply anyway
a reading from the Gospel of Hickey 😛
he meant compiles down to javascript
don’t worry if you don’t know what all this means right now
you will eventually
or you do, but not in the beginner docs
the mandatory nesting is great
been schooling fools about sql order-of-operations for a week now
(in SQL, AND and OR aren’t equivalent)
not having to memorize precedence rules is nice
* has precedence over + in js, ruby
2 + 3 * 4
is 14 not 20
just use parens anyways, make your code reviewers not hate you for making ‘em look up precedence rules
hehe true
(defn my_band "cool doc string" [band] (println "my favorite band is" band))
guessing that’s a macro around some kind of cleverness to quote stuff appropriately and transform the arg names into a let-statement
ah, vector, not array
cljs.user=> (type [])
cljs.user=> (type "asdf")
#object[String "function String() {
[native code]
btw gang, don’t stress if you’re not yet feeling it…there’s a lab coming up to try things in your shiny new REPLs
hang in there!
On the previous slide how does the function know what "band" is if "my_band" is the argument?
neat, if you put your codes in a, say, band.cljs file you can run ‘em with planck band.cljs
@lostlucidity: good question, let me attempt to recreate here
((fn [band] (println “My favorite band is “ band) “Rodrigo y Gabriela”)
let’s break this down
(fn [band] (println “My favorite band is” band)
this part creates an anonymous (or un-named) function
nevermind the JS equiv
this just makes a function
but it doesn’t call or invoke it
but if you somehow managed to call this function (we’ll cover that in a sec)
you would pass it one argument
you know it accepts a single arg by looking at the argument list enclosed in square brackets
in this case [band]
this is just the name we give the argument we are passed
so we can use it later inside the print statement
(println “Hello” band)
the band in the println
is the same band we’re given above
to call a function we place it inside parentheses
(FUNCTION-TO-CALL argument1 argument2 … argument3)
i think the slide in question might have had a typo
quick poll: plz feel free to be candid….
too fast?
just right?
too slow?
i think we’re going kind of fast, but it could just be my biases 😄
" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5" this returned on def duos. That okay?
lemme see
Thank you, Christian?
no sweat!
(def duos {:rodrigo :gabriela :ren :stimpy})
try that
equivalent ruby:
duos = {:rodrigo => :gabriela, :ren => :stimpy}
(def fruit {:red “apple” :blue “blueberry”})
(fruit :red)
=> “apple”
if the commas help you, feel free to add them
(def duos {:rodrigo :gabriela, :ren :stimpy})
;; with commas
java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: def in this context (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: def in this context (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
make sure to run def as a function (def …)
lists are special
you MUST type single quote first
when you are using a list to hold data
like this
’(1 2 3)
(:fee :fi :fo :fum) java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Wrong number of args passed to keyword: :fee (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
without the single quote it’s gonna call the 1
function with arguments 2
and 3
Cool, thanks.
in Clojure (or any lisp)
when you see open parens
it’s a function call
(FUNCTION-TO-CALL arg1 arg2 …)
the single quote
tells Clojure
dude, don’t call this like a function
treat it as DATA
is just a shortcut for typing
(quote (1 2 3))
try that in your repl!
cljs.user=> '(+ 1 2 3)
(+ 1 2 3)
cljs.user=> ~'(+ 1 2 3)
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'cljs.core.unquote.call')
cljs.user=> `'(+ 1 2 3)
(quote (+ 1 2 3))
how do i unquote?
or eval
is syntax-quote
So vectors are treated as functions?
(we won’t cover that yet)
nope vectors are like arrays
[1 2 3] ;; vector
(1 2 3) ;; list
the difference between vectors and lists (why you want one instead of the other) will be covered later
i’ll make sure we spend a few minutes talking about that
Okay, so the tick is needed because paranthesis?
@bryce unquote will be (within the context of syntax-quote) ~
For lists.
to tell clojure “this is not intended to be a function call"
@bryce for unquote you could do this (this example is totally contrived btw)
we’ll cover unquote, backtick and macros in general in part 4 of 4
you’re way ahead
so to review
we have 4 main collection types
lists, vectors, maps, sets
'(1 2 3) ;; list
[1 2 3] ;; vector
{:fn “Mickey” :ln “Mouse”} ;; maps
#{0 1 2 3 5 8 13} ;; sets
module in Ruby
Anyone have any questions???
this part is kinda advanced
the code on the slide is a bit hard to see
here’s a similar example
the :as key signals the rest of the map?
did we cover let
ok good
lets you give a name to the entire map
so here come some examples
(let [x 1 y 2] (+ x y) ;; => 2)
an un-found destructure turns into nil
(let [nums [1 2] [a b] nums] (+ a b)) ;; => 3
(def me {:fn “Chris” :ln “Romney”})
(let [{:keys [fn ln] :as user} me] user) ;;=> {:fn “Chris” :ln “Romney”}
(let [{:keys [fn ln] :as user} me] fn) ;;=> “Chris”
sorry i went too fast
examples corrected
Why do :as when the map has a name already?
good question
it may not always already have a name
depending on where/how you use it
so here’s one example
Got it!.. probably
this is a lot of material being covered very quickly
feel free to ask in this channel
I’m always here
one thing I want to tell everyone: don’t be discouraged if some of this takes a while to really sink in
it’s A LOT of material
being covered very quickly
cond vs. case: is the only difference the syntax for the default option?
case does a literal match against a value
ahhh, and cond checks for truthiness?
there’s also condp
which is somewhere in between 😄
get romantic with your clojure~
could you explain that? case vs cond
jorda0mega: let me write some code
test expr
test expr)
cond evaluates each test and if it’s true, evaluates the expression
(case some-value
comparison expr
comparison expr)
case requires that you pass in some value, it evaluates comparisons, and if that comparison equals some-value, evaluates the expression
(condp some-function some-value
test expr
test expr)
condp is halfway between ‘em
it evaluates some-value, takes that value down each test, evaluates (some-function some-value test)
if that comes true, it evaluates the expression
cool cool
(defn band_evaluator
(case (get band_quality (-> band_name
:great (println "you like" band_name "and have taste")
:okay (println "i agree," band_name "is okay!")
(println ":middle_finger::skin-tone-6::santa::skin-tone-6:your opinion of" band_name "is WRONG :middle_finger::skin-tone-6::santa::skin-tone-6:")
(defn cond_evaluator
(let [quality (get
(-> band_name
(= quality :great)
(println "you like" band_name "and have taste")
(= quality :okay)
(println "i agree," band_name "is okay!")
(println ":middle_finger::skin-tone-6::santa::skin-tone-6:your opinion of" band_name "is WRONG :middle_finger::skin-tone-6::santa::skin-tone-6:")
(defn condp_evaluator
(condp = (get band_quality (-> band_name
:great (println "you like" band_name "and have taste")
:okay (println "i agree," band_name "is okay!")
(println ":middle_finger::skin-tone-6::santa::skin-tone-6:your opinion of" band_name "is WRONG :middle_finger::skin-tone-6::santa::skin-tone-6:")
this is how cond, case, and condp differ
and you can see my middle finger santas get really mangled too
more legible https://github.com/bkerley/learn-clojurescript/blob/master/band_evaluator.cljs
Great intro last night! Here are some more resources:
Clojure for the Brave and True http://www.braveclojure.com/ ClojureTV https://www.youtube.com/user/ClojureTV ClojureScript for Skeptics - Derek Slager https://youtu.be/Y2jQe8DFzUM?list=PLZdCLR02grLrl5ie970A24kvti21hGiOf Om Next - David Nolen https://youtu.be/MDZpSIngwm4?list=PLZdCLR02grLrl5ie970A24kvti21hGiOf
Thank you!
Hey guys! Just wanted to thank everyone for coming out. You were a great audience. I’m going to be sharing my slides with the group shortly. @julian Thank you for sharing those resources. I’ll be adding to that list as well.
Om Next will be easier to digest from this https://awkay.github.io/om-tutorial/#!/