Morning, start of the 5 last ‘real’ working days of this year.
Working hosting a clojure app compiled by graalvm on google cloud run. My problems so far are with the Java Google API libraries not being graalvm compatible. But I am working around that by doing direct REST requests to the Google APIs using clj-http-lite
🎉 sounds good
I’m doing all the advent of code stuff in clojure to warm up
I thought it was going good until the 3rd one 😅 this one looks complicated
If you get stuck, there are a lot of clojurians posting their solutions on GH
I've learned a lot from reading those
I’m skipping aoc this year. Last year I did them in Rust, and some in Clojure. But later ones sometimes take a lot of time.
(Even after finishing them myself)
Thats good to know! Thanks
This one is top of the Clojurian leader board at the moment.
There’s a clojurian leaderboard 😮
@hobosarefriends Are you even aware of the #adventofcode channel?
(Code: 217019-4a55b8eb)
I was not, but I don’t want too many hints, and also I don’t want to compete too much.
It makes me a bit too obsessive when I get competitive, gotta keep it chill.
But thanks for all the info
This is the first time I'm doing AoC, and it's really clear I'm missing some puzzle solving skills haha
But being able to learn from others is really beneficial
I’ve done a few of the puzzles before at the meetups, but other than that, also first time.
Yeah it’s also helping me solidify core function usage
turns out It was super easy, only need 6 lines.