mogge and welcome @richard880
Dank je @thomas
My computer is currently chugging through a bunch of numbers because I only know how to solve AoC naively.
Is my cpu burning worth that little gold star? Maybe..
Might be, sometimes the naive approach might take years till its done through.
If the solution takes longer than 5 seconds, the answer is usually wrong or too naive
I usually take longer then 5 seconds...
running the solution I mean
These are not my words btw, the creator of AoC has said this in previous runs
I know 😉 just pulling a leg 🙂
yeah he said that if solution doesn’t finish in 15 seconds on a 10 year old machine then it’s probably not the right one
i overflowed the int so… I’ll probably have to try to make it less naive 😅
I left it running while I went on a date, so I don’t know how long it actually took to get there