
arrdem 2016-12-12T02:27:07.000013Z

Nobody at Twitter officially writes Clojure but I've written some really neat one-off stuff using it and gotten a bunch of grief for it 😛

senorflor 2016-12-12T16:17:20.000014Z

I just pushed a little bit for a frontend API prototype and some back office tooling, and am having fun sharing the language/ideas with a team that’s never seen Clojure before.

senorflor 2016-12-12T16:31:11.000015Z

Rediscovering it myself along the way; was in a self-imposed Java/Javascript fever dream for awhile, and the overall feeling (when I don’t have stupid errors in ns forms or project.clj) is liberation of thought about problems and greater flexibility/maintainability of modeling them. Now just have to learn core.async+transducers, spec, component, etc. 🙂