gabehollombe 2015-05-30T01:29:02.000060Z

Most of us in this channel are in SG, I think, @shriphani

kevinf 2015-05-30T01:30:53.000061Z

Clojure never sleeps! Didn't you know @shriphani ?

shriphani 2015-05-30T03:32:23.000062Z

I am fron SG but I live in the US. It is pretty cool that there’s an active clojure community there.

shriphani 2015-05-30T03:32:34.000063Z

what sort of things do you guys do with clojure ?


@gaqzi: I'm using the CM Storm cherry mx blue switches. It feels like I'm doing carpentry at work when everyone else is silent.

kevinf 2015-05-30T09:38:51.000066Z

@shriphani Well call us active when we pass 6 months, I got interested in Clojure through researching which language to build my next startup in and went looking for a local group. There was one but it had kinda entered a hiatus because the guy doing all the work had become busy so I wanted to learn more about the language and managed to convince enough guys to meetup from that group and we decided to relaunch and have our first official meetup at the end of June and that's what you are seeing now is that group getting off the ground. If you want to stay abreast join the meetup group and if you want you can present!

kevinf 2015-05-30T12:12:32.000067Z

As to what people are doing I think it's a little early to tell so far the people I've met are either getting to grips or have done some work stuff but when I reached out to companies who were supposed to be doing stuff they either didn't exist any more or didn't answer. But hopefully after a couple of meetings we should know more!

gaqzi 2015-05-30T14:05:48.000068Z

@jestinepaul: hehe, but the feel of writing on a mechanical keyboard is worth it though!