dilzio 2015-06-11T10:02:02.000128Z

Hi group.. What is the analogue of an ORM in the Clojure/functional world…a layer for managing entities and relationships among entities? In java i’d use something like Hibernate which would allow me to lazy load child objects on demand but I’m not sure how you would model this in Clojure. Can I get some pointers?

dilzio 2015-06-11T11:04:08.000129Z

also we’ve still got some people on the original ClojureSG Slack team.. that has been deprecated in favor of this channel correct?

kevinf 2015-06-11T11:26:18.000130Z

@dilzio: I've kept that channel open in case we need it later but it's rarely used, it's more like a backup in case people don't get/delete by mistake the welcome email.