How can I fix this:
Error Error: Require clojure.test.check and before calling check.
I get this when I call (stest/check `filter-list)
:picard-facepalm: never mind, I should have just read the error messsage
@seancorfield @alexmiller @sgerguri fyi we released our internal fork of spec-coerce
Nice, I'll have a look today - appreciate the heads up!
Hi, there, I'm using spec-tools with a multi-spec, and I get the following error when trying to coerce some data:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2' of null
at type_priority (/js/cljs-runtime/spec_tools.parse.js:270:22)
at eval (/js/cljs-runtime/cljs.core.js:7726:102)
at eval (/js/cljs-runtime/cljs.core.js:7638:85)
at stableCompareFn (/js/cljs-runtime/goog.array.array.js:640:12)
at Array.sort (<anonymous>)
at (/js/cljs-runtime/goog.array.array.js:626:7)
at (/js/cljs-runtime/goog.array.array.js:642:14)
at Function.eval [as cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2] (/js/cljs-runtime/cljs.core.js:7686:12)
at Function.eval [as cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$3] (/js/cljs-runtime/cljs.core.js:7724:23)
at Function.eval [as cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2] (/js/cljs-runtime/cljs.core.js:7720:26)
Does anyone have a similar problem?