btw i think i found the problem
(apply concatv rest)
can blow up the stack / is not in tail position.Oh, interesting... Does that introduce laziness somehow?
(at least that is "one" problem)
well, it's a recursive call
OH! Yeah, that sounds so obvious once you say it out loud! 🙂
let me explain. sorry, i noticed that even if I remove the :fn I still get the crash with the original impl of concatv. but with this loop/recur one (inspired by the Stuart Sierra blog on concat
) that crash won't occur:
(defn concatv
"Strict version of concat."
[head & tail]
(loop [seqs (cons head tail) acc []]
(if (empty? seqs)
(recur (rest seqs) (into acc (first seqs))))))
Seems weird to have head & tail
when you only cons
them together and never use them again.
oh, could just be [& args]
good point
You might want to consider whether (concatv)
should work and what it should produce (I'd say yes and []
i'm just trying to match behavior of the original concat
(which seems to agree w/ you) 🙂
cljs.user=> (concat)
and yea that concatv
does similarly:
cljs.user=> (concatv)
I just tried it in Clojure and got an error
Oh, it works after changing to & args
and (loop [seqs args ...
hmm, mine was from lumo
yea, sorry
didn't paste in here
(defn concatv
"Strict version of concat."
[& args]
(loop [seqs args acc []]
(if (empty? seqs)
(recur (rest seqs) (into acc (first seqs))))))
Did you consider (reduce into [] args)
Nope, does it work?
Also, how much memory will it use? the loop/recur one is tail optimized so should use a constant amount of memory
The version with [head & tail]
requires 1+ arguments 🙂
haha, yea 2+ or 0+ makes more sense than 1+
here is a "final" version that works (tested up to 75 iterations at a time):
(s/def ::any-coll
(s/coll-of any?)
#(s/gen (s/coll-of any? :max-count 125))))
(s/fdef concatv
:args (s/cat :args (s/* ::any-coll))
:fn #(let [r (:ret %1)
args (-> %1 :args :args)
sumhash (fn [c] (apply + (mapv hash c)))]
(= (count r) (apply + (mapv count args)))
(= (sumhash r) (apply + (mapv sumhash args)))))
:ret (s/coll-of any? :kind vector?))
(defn concatv
"Strict version of concat."
[& args]
(loop [seqs args acc []]
(if (empty? seqs)
(recur (rest seqs) (into acc (first seqs))))))
so yea i think i was kinda confounded earlier by the fact that there was a potential stack overflow in the code under test. so even when i got the test code "right" the code under test could screw me
but it was somewhat non-deterministic on both sides. bit of an entangled heisenbug
two entangled heisenbugs rather
Complected, even 🙂
haha exactly
small update: so ... there turned out to be 3 problems. my hunch about s/*
was also correct. some of the crashes were emanating from it as well.
here's a "more final" version (at least until I get another random, intermittent failure some time in the future):
(defn arbitrarily-partition [coll freq]
(let [signals (take (count coll) (cycle (cons true (repeat freq false))))
shuffled (shuffle signals)
zipped (map vector shuffled coll)
partitioned (partition-by first zipped)]
(for [c partitioned]
(map second c))))
(s/def ::coll-of-colls
(s/coll-of (s/coll-of any?)))
(s/def ::distinct-coll-of-colls
#(gen/let [elems (gen/set (s/gen any?) {:max-elements 150})
freq (s/gen (s/int-in 1 10))]
(arbitrarily-partition elems freq))))
(s/fdef concatenate
:args (s/cat :args ::distinct-coll-of-colls)
:fn #(let [r (:ret %1)
args (-> %1 :args :args)
sumhash (fn [c] (apply + (mapv hash c)))]
(= (count r) (apply + (mapv count args)))
(= (sumhash r) (apply + (mapv sumhash args)))))
:ret (s/coll-of any? :kind vector?))
(defn- concatenate
"Strict version of concat."
(loop [seqs args acc []]
(if (empty? seqs)
(recur (rest seqs) (into acc (first seqs))))))
(defn concatv
"Strict version of concat."
[& args]
(concatenate args))
I did not read entire discussion, so it might be irrelevant, but:
there is a :distinct
option in s/coll-of
(s/coll-of int? :distinct true)
or is it supposed to be "distinct for all 1st and 2nd level items"?