
About: Guide: API:
johanatan 2020-09-26T02:39:40.005400Z

has anyone given much thought to (for the purposes of using multi-spec liberally across many namespaces) dynamically constructing "qualified keywords" at reader / compile time ?

johanatan 2020-09-26T02:39:51.005700Z

(in clojurescript)

johanatan 2020-09-26T02:40:16.006100Z

i've attempted both a plain macro and a tagged literal reader

johanatan 2020-09-26T02:40:36.006300Z

this is the macro:

(defmacro ns-grouped-keyword [group keyword]
  `(keyword (clojure.string/join "/" [~(str *ns*) ~group]) ~keyword))

johanatan 2020-09-26T02:40:53.006600Z

and this is the reader:

(defn read-ns-grouped-keyword [s]
  `(let [[group# kwd#] (clojure.string/split ~s #"/")]
    (keyword (clojure.string/join "/" [~(str *ns*) group#]) kwd#)))

johanatan 2020-09-26T02:41:22.007200Z

even the latter apparently only gets expanded and not eval'd at reader time

johanatan 2020-09-26T02:42:42.008Z

such that: (s/keys :opt-un [#my/reader "blah/blaz"]) will not work

johanatan 2020-09-26T02:43:57.008800Z

where as I had expected it to get eval'd to: (s/keys :opt-un [:the-current-namespace/blah/blaz]) before keys expansion time

udit 2020-09-26T15:24:19.015500Z

I am trying to use clojure.spec for validating the inputs to my API handlers. What’s the idiomatic pattern for usage here? I was thinking of creating a generic fn which takes in spec and the data to be validated. This fn can throw an exception when the validation fails. This fn would be called as the very first thing in the handlers, thus if the data is not valid the exception will act like an early exit. But this is using exceptions for control flow. The other approach I can think of is wrapping all my handlers with an if-else block that do this validation. This is fine, except it sort of makes my handlers less readable. What’s a clean approach that people have discovered for validating (and coercing) data using spec.


Can’t you have a single wrapper fn that basically does

(let [res (s/conform input)]
  (if (:s/invalid? res)
    (real-handler input) ; real-handler could be an input to this fn
Then the real-handler doesn’t have to worry about whether the input is valid, and your outermost layer (i.e. the one that first receives the request) can call this instead of real-handler directly. And if you want more details out of build-error-response you could use explain-str or explain-data instead of conform. Or perhaps I’m misunderstanding the situation.

udit 2020-09-26T16:45:54.021100Z

This works @jeffrey.wayne.evans! Thanks! Although I would like to have different spec for different handlers, but I presume that can be passed in as a parameter to this fn a well, right?


Sure! You would still have to somehow organize the specs per handler. Not sure if there is an established pattern for that but you could always have a keyword based map for them (handler function name as key?)

ikitommi 2020-09-26T16:56:12.026200Z

reitit has a spec-module, you can declare request & response specs to endpoints, and there is a set of predefined middleware / interceptors to use them for validation, also coercion. Example here:

👍 1