oh, hmm:
; (#:scratch{:keys [scratch/total prices]}) - failed: Extra input at: [:fn-tail :arity-1 :params] spec: :clojure.core.specs.alpha/param-list
#:scratch{:keys [scratch/total prices]} - failed: vector? at: [:fn-tail :arity-n :params] spec: :clojure.core.specs.alpha/param-list
is there an fdef
that works for multi-methods?
thank you!
ya, dunno what was up with that destructuring, but this works:
(s/def ::m (s/and (s/keys :req [::total ::prices])
#(= (::total %) (reduce + (::prices %)))))
ah-ha! I think I got it! thx @alexmiller!
I did something like this:
(s/def ::m (s/and ::total=prices (s/schema [::prices ::total])))
no, but you can pull the dispatch function out and spec that
just as a heads up, I do not consider spec 2 to be ready for use and the api may change before release
I have the following spec:
(s/def ::grid
(-> (s/keys :opt-un [::grid])
(s/coll-of :kind vector? :min-count 1)
(s/coll-of :kind vector? :min-count 1)))
How do I do generative testing with this kind of spec? any attempt to generate an example of ::grid
makes my OS super laggy until I kill the JVM process...that's not a valid spec? what are you expecting -> to do there?
I guess maybe it would work in the spec 1 macrology, but I find that very confusing to parse (and it won't in spec 2 I think)
in general, setting :gen-max is useful for coll specs though to bound nested coll size
It did help, thank you!
We often build our own spec "types" by doing something like this.
(defmacro my-custom-map
[kpred vpred]
(let [form `(s/map-of ~kpred ~vpred)]
`(s/with-gen ~form #(gen/fmap identity (s/gen ~form)))))
(s/def ::k string?)
(s/def ::v string?)
(s/def ::my-custom-map (my-custom-map ::k ::v))
This, however, does not play nice with :gen overrides.
(gen/generate (s/gen ::my-custom-map {::k #(s/gen #{"a" "b"})}))
{"3" "b4tq9FeW6Gt",
"8h" "o47F763P0v5B63sA52c4xu1FN",
Is there a better way of doing this that works with :gen overrides?😢
Oh, duh - I think this is a perfect case for s/conformer
This seems to be a common pattern: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43230546/a-clojure-spec-that-matches-and-generates-an-ordered-vector-of-variable-length
It's like with-gen
needs to take an argument with :gen overrides or implicitly use a dynamic variable.
Can't figure out any way around this other than to override the top level spec (in my example ::my-custom-map
). That can be quite painful with complex specs.