What is the state of / plan for Spec 2? Or is there I can check for the answers? 🙏
@holyjak It's still in the design phase -- Rich is rethinking the whole function spec thing, as far as I can tell from comments Alex has made.
So it's still very alpha and subject to (a lot of) change.
thank you!
I'm chomping at the bit to use it -- for a while I had a branch of our code at work tracking Spec 2 but it just had too much churn and too many bugs to keep up with it, so I abandoned that branch after several months.
It definitely has some nice usability improvements in it, and the whole schema
/`select` thing is much better than keys
sorry, don't have any concrete plan
it continues to get slices of attention is about all I can tell you :)
Without encouraging more delay, I must say I kind of envy the patience that Rich has before releasing anything ;)