
A place for people in the UK, near the UK, visiting the UK, planning to visit the UK or just vaguely interested to randomly chat about things (often vi and emacs, occasionally clojure). More general the #ldnclj
dharrigan 2020-10-13T05:27:29.141700Z

Good Morning!

mccraigmccraig 2020-10-13T05:48:46.142Z


djm 2020-10-13T07:15:46.142200Z


alexlynham 2020-10-13T07:31:57.142300Z


jiriknesl 2020-10-13T07:48:29.142500Z

Good morning

dharrigan 2020-10-13T09:26:05.142700Z


dharrigan 2020-10-13T09:26:14.143Z

/slackfont Foo Bar is a thing!

thomas 2020-10-13T09:39:12.143300Z


dominicm 2020-10-13T10:28:23.143600Z

@dharrigan what does it do?

dharrigan 2020-10-13T10:28:34.143800Z

it changes your font

dharrigan 2020-10-13T10:28:36.144Z

on slack

dharrigan 2020-10-13T10:28:58.144400Z

/slackfont Jetbrains Mono for example

dominicm 2020-10-13T10:29:08.144900Z

Oh, well, my font is now something silly then πŸ˜„

dominicm 2020-10-13T10:29:16.145300Z

I have webfonts blocked anyway

dharrigan 2020-10-13T10:29:24.145700Z

/slackfont wingdings if you're adventureous!


/slackfont comic sans ms :troll:

dharrigan 2020-10-13T10:32:11.146400Z

fun times! πŸ™‚

dharrigan 2020-10-13T10:32:24.146700Z

The Only One True Font(tm)!


Cross posting here as I suspect most people won’t mind:

πŸ‘ 2
Mike C 2020-10-13T15:54:15.148800Z

I've just spent the afternoon getting Neptune set up with IAM etc. in terraform... I feel the pain

alexlynham 2020-10-13T15:55:27.148900Z

at the moment we have a glorious edge case where the only current fix is to change an IAM config in the AWS UI, hit save, do same again, hit save and it magically works lol

alexlynham 2020-10-13T15:55:41.149Z

crops up every month or so and it's a WONTFIX in the tracker

dominicm 2020-10-13T16:26:39.149700Z

Just fork the platform and self-h- nevermind ... 😜

πŸ˜‚ 1