Good Morning!
Bore da :welsh_flag:
There’ll be no crossing the bore da from friday tho 😞
My family are in Wales, it'll be interesting to see how it plays out
It sucks. In Oldham we weren’t allowed to meet anyone outside your household for the past 3 months (bar the last 2 weeks) but now going back into Tier 3 again so :man-shrugging:
I do think there is covid-fatigue starting to manifest
(or rather, has already started)
That’s an understatement… the pissing about with local rules and restrictions doesn’t do anyone anyone any favours either. They should’ve done a second full national lockdown ages ago, maybe for a month. Their current approach is just going to cause everyone lots of grief in the interim; and mean they’re going to need another national lockdown anyway. If you act sooner, your interventions can be much shorter.
As it stands GM will go into T3; then come out just in time for a national lockdown.
absolute bunch of morons
it's what happens when you have a political class that are not only completely without vision or a programme for the long term but also the short term
they only know how to be reactive opportunists
and so when a real crisis comes along the idea of proactively making decisions and leading is a muscle they've never flexed and never used
literally any of my pals who have done acute medicine
heck any of my pals
heck... pretty much anybody i know would do a better job at listening to a panel of experts and making a sensible decision than this parade of clowns
i for one vote rick for pm
i'm sure there's a reality tv show in there @alex.lynham - with career politicians and pundits pitted against random people in the street a fight to the death?
chris grayling would square up, then trip over and somehow strangle himself with his own shoelaces
imagine being that incompetent lol
He's my local mp
I do not like the guy
Not that I've ever met him, and I suppose it's wrong to form opinions of people whom one has never met
but he does rub me up the wrong way
Failing Grayling
he reminds me of that insult that the drill sergeant uses in full metal jacket
"tell me son, did your parents have any children that lived?"
that's rough 😉
but yeah, what an idiot
you're a very patient, charitable man @dharrigan :D
i spent my teens defacing signs cos i went to college in jeremy hunt's constituency, and had the misfortune of meeting him a couple of times. ironically put a question to david cameron on europe as well, in like 2009. my interaction with him ended 'cool, you'll get that over my dead body'
and yet i appear to be still living even though he did get his way lol
although on a lighter note i've been sessioning the short simpsons clips on
would recommend for coffee breaks :D
Might want to check you're still alive @alex.lynham
Every week, usually after going to get groceries, I get the sense I've already died and I'm in hell
that's known as the cotard delusion