
A place for people in the UK, near the UK, visiting the UK, planning to visit the UK or just vaguely interested to randomly chat about things (often vi and emacs, occasionally clojure). More general the #ldnclj
dharrigan 2021-02-09T07:10:41.199500Z


dharrigan 2021-02-09T07:12:05.200800Z

I've succumed and put up a blog, <>

🔖 1
djm 2021-02-09T07:48:16.201200Z


jiriknesl 2021-02-09T07:57:20.201400Z


thomas 2021-02-09T08:31:06.201600Z


mccraigmccraig 2021-02-09T08:54:30.201900Z


alexlynham 2021-02-09T08:57:18.202Z


alexlynham 2021-02-09T08:57:28.202100Z

still astonished bitcoin hasn't tanked yet

alexlynham 2021-02-09T08:57:36.202200Z

papa elon has everybody in a frenzy

dharrigan 2021-02-09T08:57:52.202600Z

I had +13% on my btc yesterday

thomas 2021-02-09T08:58:02.202900Z

it will tank.... question is just when.

alexlynham 2021-02-09T08:58:06.203Z


alexlynham 2021-02-09T08:58:23.203100Z

i cashed out enough crypto to take a year off my mortgage last week

alexlynham 2021-02-09T08:58:43.203200Z

in the last four-five days the rest of my holdings have gone up nearly a third

alexlynham 2021-02-09T08:58:51.203300Z

gonna be a big crash lol

dharrigan 2021-02-09T08:58:56.203500Z

I have £50 of btc 🙂

dharrigan 2021-02-09T08:59:06.203800Z

Don't think I'll be paying off my mortgage any day soon...

😂 1
alexlynham 2021-02-09T08:59:21.204Z


dharrigan 2021-02-09T08:59:51.204300Z

A currency I do like and have a tiny amount of is monero

alexlynham 2021-02-09T09:02:12.204400Z

i had some monero, cashed it out last week

alexlynham 2021-02-09T09:03:01.204500Z

been gradually shuffling up into modern coins that are proof-of-stake/support staking/will support IBC

Conor 2021-02-09T09:03:14.204600Z

The psychology of crytocurrency is interesting, in that it seems like a big shared hallucination that something has value

alexlynham 2021-02-09T09:03:41.204700Z

cough fiat currency cough houses cough

alexlynham 2021-02-09T09:04:15.204800Z

ok houses a bad example cos they have a practical minimum value, fiat a bad example cos you could use it as paper if it was valueless

Conor 2021-02-09T09:04:20.204900Z

Sure, but pounds allow me to avoid being put into prison for tax evasion, hence they have a real value

alexlynham 2021-02-09T09:04:50.205Z

sure but take the nation state out of it and it's just a collective hallucination

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alexlynham 2021-02-09T09:05:37.205200Z

i don't think crypto is any madder than the sort of financial derivatives the modern financial system is moving around on a daily basis

Conor 2021-02-09T09:06:04.205600Z

Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun, eh

alexlynham 2021-02-09T09:06:04.205700Z

(even if it is, granted, just as illusory)

alexlynham 2021-02-09T09:06:11.205900Z


mccraigmccraig 2021-02-09T09:07:00.206500Z

with the average prices of a house in the uk currently running at an 8.2 multiple of the average salary... there's some serious collective hallucinatory action going on there

alexlynham 2021-02-09T09:07:09.206600Z


alexlynham 2021-02-09T09:07:34.206700Z

even with supply being so low, houses are overvalued imo

alexlynham 2021-02-09T09:08:07.206900Z

but it's like... the market is broken, everybody suspects it is... yet it still hasn't adjusted? super weird

alexlynham 2021-02-09T09:08:19.207Z

or maybe that is the market clearing price

mccraigmccraig 2021-02-09T09:08:49.207200Z

it's not a new thing: “the markets can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent.”

😂 1
danm 2021-02-09T09:12:13.207400Z


mccraigmccraig 2021-02-09T09:13:01.208200Z

any vimmers in here ? i want to give vim+clojure a go and would like to get an idea of the landscape / state-of-the-art

danm 2021-02-09T09:13:30.208500Z

Not me, but the people I do know who do it use fireplace


A few in the channel: I would say either conjure or vim-iced seem most interesting options these days

mccraigmccraig 2021-02-09T09:14:06.209800Z

i've heard fireplace, vim-iced and conjure all mentioned

mccraigmccraig 2021-02-09T09:14:53.210700Z

but my vim-fluency is basic at best, so i don't have a good way of evaluating relative merits

dharrigan 2021-02-09T09:18:57.211200Z

I'm a vimer

dharrigan 2021-02-09T09:19:04.211400Z

I put together some information on my shiney new blog

dharrigan 2021-02-09T09:19:23.211800Z

I use neovim, conjure, clojure-lsp and coc (terrible name)

mccraigmccraig 2021-02-09T09:20:07.212600Z

where is your shineynublog @dharrigan?

djm 2021-02-09T09:20:19.213Z

fireplace works fine for me, though the newer options probably have some advantages

dharrigan 2021-02-09T09:20:23.213200Z or will get you there

Olical 2021-02-09T09:21:43.213300Z

Disclaimer: I wrote Conjure but... fireplace: Sturdy, been around forever and a very traditional vim plugin. Written by the lord of vim plugins, so you can expect high quality. I think it maaay lack some async-ness though? So it's a little more to the point, maybe that's fine for you! It's just got less bells and whistles. iced: Everything you could ever need, async, still vim script. Hooks into loaaads of plugins and tools (things I don't particularly use since they're more IDE like but some will love that). I guess the most IDE like plugin? A huge inspiration for me since it covers so much ground so cohesively. conjure: Written in Fennel (a lisp that looks like Clojure) compiled to Lua and executed as Lua. Supports Racket, Janet, Fennel and Clojure with Lisp Flavoured Erlang and other Schemes on the radar. Less Clojure specific features than iced but a completely different UX based around an editable log buffer compared to the other two. So it's just a different angle and a bit more general with a very non-traditional development style (a vim plugin written in a lips for lisps). Also ties into Aniseed which allows you to write your neovim config in this lisp seamlessly, so it's more of a lifestyle than a plugin choice 😛 I don't think you can go wrong with any of them really, they just focus on different things. If I was only choosing between fireplace and iced I'd probably go iced though!

Olical 2021-02-09T09:22:38.213400Z


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mccraigmccraig 2021-02-09T09:28:59.216300Z

thanks @olical @dharrigan - i guess i'll try both iced and conjure and see how i go - i know from emacs-land that i'm quite particular (big helm fan), so i'll see what sticks

alexlynham 2021-02-09T09:34:05.216600Z

abandoning emacs @mccraigmccraig ?

mccraigmccraig 2021-02-09T09:35:07.217600Z

maybe. i'm sufficiently annoyed by spac/emacs instability that i'm exploring alternatives


I use stock emacs with a custom config evolved over 15+ years; but had pulled in doom-modeline which doom emacs uses. So if you try doom and still get the issue it might be worth trying with the modeline disabled. Good luck.

mccraigmccraig 2021-02-09T09:35:58.218700Z

i tried vscode for a couple of weeks, and it was ok, but i found the UI crippling in the end - so many different ways of doing things which can all be done with helm

mccraigmccraig 2021-02-09T09:37:56.220300Z

and i've never yet dabbled in the vi heresy, but it's stayed around for a very long time, so i suspect there may be something in it, so...



mccraigmccraig 2021-02-09T11:23:30.223Z

find of the day... maybe i'm late to the party, but you can prefix any binding with _ and clj-kondo won't warn about it being unused... so (let [{blah :blah :as _nice-map-name} thing] blah)

👍 2
borkdude 2021-02-09T11:25:05.223400Z

@mccraigmccraig You can also turn the warning of :as off if you want:

borkdude 2021-02-09T11:25:37.223800Z

{:linters {:unused-binding {:exclude-destructured-as true}}}

👍 1
mccraigmccraig 2021-02-09T11:25:56.224Z

ah, nice!

dharrigan 2021-02-09T11:54:23.225700Z

oi did that 🙂

😎 2
dharrigan 2021-02-09T11:54:27.225900Z

A small contribution


It's been like that for years though hasn't it? Been waiting for a correction since I moved back from the US in 2016. Still waiting....

mccraigmccraig 2021-02-09T16:38:20.227400Z

i don't imagine it will change anytime soon either, but it looks very expensive compared to the 3x multiple banks used to regard as a prudent lending limit, and fewer and fewer people can afford to buy a house


Incidentally I’ve seen some emacs instability recently too, and found that disabling the fancy modeline stuff I had (doom-modeline) has significantly improved the stability. I heard some folk saying some other modeline modes like telephone-line caused similar problems for them. So there’s a small chance that might be your problem!?


IIRC spacemacs uses one too

mccraigmccraig 2021-02-09T21:53:46.228500Z

interesting - yes, spacemacs has quite a complex modeline, most of which i don't care about at all

mccraigmccraig 2021-02-09T21:55:34.228700Z

having tried and failed with vscode i think i'm going to try doom emacs and a couple of the vim alternatives... and i've got a new variant of the underlying emacs (i was on railwaycat, now trying brew/emacs+) to test out too

mccraigmccraig 2021-02-09T22:00:38.228900Z

find a file - helm, text search - helm, change buffer - helm, find a command - helm... i really like helm, it's a brilliant editor UI. vscode just seemed scrappy, and i couldn't get the repl test interface working nearly as well as CIDER. the foundations were good though - scrolling was smooth, and it never crashed, and that mini-preview think on the right of each pane is cool


Just came across this thread. The libraries to interact with NHS/healthcare data mentioned are in Clojure:

Mark Wardle 2021-02-10T08:46:00.238300Z

Thanks. Clojure makes a lot of this very easy to do - I have previous code bases in Java and golang and it has been far quicker and yet more robust and with fewer lines of code in clojure. Plus some amazing compose letters libraries. Found it hard initially to get over old learnt behaviour of fearing to commit to the use of a library because in the past using dependencies was a commitment difficult to undo, but I feel I’m building with Lego bricks now not glue.


Great to see someone else tackling this sort of problem with clojure. As a colleague of mine just said; let reference data be the thin end of the wedge! 🙂 We’re currently involved in a relatively large project that is doing this sort of thing with the ONS, and hoping to expand across the GSS (Government Statistical Service). Also primarily built around graph data (RDF) with CSVW at the edges, and in Clojure too 🙂

djm 2021-02-10T09:30:59.242800Z

I wish my job involved doing fun things with data in Clojure!

Mark Wardle 2021-02-10T09:34:59.247500Z

Thanks Rick. I’ve wanted to automate downloads of data from the ONS geography service - namely the NHSPD - but while there is an API AFAIK run by outsourcing - ESRI - there doesn’t seem to be a way of machine reading the latest item identifier for a particular distribution. In the NHS, there are whole departments set up manually updating this kind of stuff with people manually mapping to their parochial lists and codes. Amazingly frustrating and the whole thing should be automated away!


100% agree


I love my vim, but these days to anyone starting out I recommend VS Code. You can have Development Environment based on VIM, but it won’t be Integrated - you end up spending way too much time setting up and modifying configs, I know of people that happily switched from Emacs to VS Code - Bodil specifically.


But if you are keen to try out vim there are few Helm like libraries: fzf.vim, clap and Im sure few others

seancorfield 2021-02-09T22:25:09.232300Z

For whatever reason, I just couldn't get used to helm... but I guess for all the many years I used Emacs on and off (since the 17.x versions!) I never really enjoyed it like some people do...