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Erly Alvarez 2020-09-13T05:35:47.311100Z

Hi @dmaltbie

seancorfield 2020-09-13T05:57:32.311200Z

It sounds like a combinatorics problem to me, at least for a brute force approach, so I'd reach for clojure.math.combinatorics and do something like this:

> clj -Sdeps '{:deps {org.clojure/math.combinatorics {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}}'
user=> (require '[clojure.math.combinatorics :as c])
user=> (defn small-pair [coll n]
         (->> (mapcat #(c/combinations coll (inc %)) (range (count coll)))
              (filter #(= n (reduce + %)))
              (sort-by count)
              (map #(get (zipmap coll (range)) %))))
user=> (small-pair [1,2,6,3,17,82,23,234] 26)
(3 6)
user=> (small-pair [1,2,6,3,17,82,23,234] 40)
(4 6)
user=> (small-pair [1,2,6,3,17,82,23,234] 23)
(it would be more efficient to calculate the zipmap just once in a let at the top, but I was just playing in a REPL to get to this point).

seancorfield 2020-09-13T05:59:01.311600Z

@zackteo ^

zackteo 2020-09-13T06:09:42.311800Z

Oh wow :o @seancorfield yeah I was thinking I needed to implement something like this but in clojure

zackteo 2020-09-13T06:11:13.312100Z

Was gonna attempt to foolhardily reference the python code and make a conversion (if i had time)

seancorfield 2020-09-13T06:12:15.312300Z

The combinatorics library is great for stuff like this. Took me a few minutes to get that exact code above, but it really was just a dozen lines in the REPL looking at the shape of things as I worked from that top line down.


There's actually a function in there called subset that already does the mapcat.

zackteo 2020-09-13T06:15:17.312700Z

I see I see. Thanks for your help!! :)


But in my opinion, for a programming challenge like that, using the combinatronics lib seems like cheating 😛, the hard part is figuring out how to generate the possible combinations. I don't know the rules of your event, so maybe want to check that


But in idiomatic Clojure you'd just that library yes

zackteo 2020-09-13T06:18:56.313300Z

Yeah i was thinking about that too :P but technically is part of Clojure similar to math in python hmmm.

zackteo 2020-09-13T06:19:05.313500Z

I see I see!


It's not though, you need to add an extra dependency on it. So similarly, it won't work if they have some automated runner or something like that

seancorfield 2020-09-13T06:20:55.313900Z

@didibus Oh, cool, I hadn't read far enough through the docs. I thought there should be an easier way!

seancorfield 2020-09-13T06:21:03.314100Z

(and it's subsets)

✔️ 2
seancorfield 2020-09-13T06:22:25.314400Z

Seems weird that in order to register for an event, you're supposed to solve a programming puzzle... I wonder how they "validate" responses?

zackteo 2020-09-13T06:23:35.314600Z

I unfortunately don't have a lot of time or energy to work on it. So ill probably just go with combinatorics. It isn't a test runner but we need to explain the solution for this one in a txt doc 😅

zackteo 2020-09-13T06:25:02.314800Z

Oh is like a algo competition I guess. I was curious because I wouldn't ordinarily think they allow clojure submissions

seancorfield 2020-09-13T06:26:40.315Z

I consider all the Contrib libraries "fair game" as a sort of "standard library" for Clojure but not everyone shares that view.

seancorfield 2020-09-13T06:27:05.315200Z

(but then I maintain four of them and have helped with several others so I might be a bit biased 🙂 )

zackteo 2020-09-13T06:27:17.315600Z



Ya that's neat they allow Clojure

zackteo 2020-09-13T06:28:56.316Z

I suppose it doesn't matter too much to me if I they don't accept it as a submission - I wanted to use it to motivate me to learn abit more Clojure as I try to tackle problems


Well, I think Rich Hickey does not consider them "core" 😛 Not sure, but the impression I get is such. I personally don't care if its "official" or not as long as it works and does what I need. My perspective is just that I need to add an extra dependency, and that's always an "extra step", so I feel they are not "standard" because of that

seancorfield 2020-09-13T06:29:18.316400Z

It's been decades since I've had to write stuff like combinations from scratch. It's like the tired old stuff with search algorithms in interviews. No one outside the FAANG companies implement this stuff themselves any more.

seancorfield 2020-09-13T06:30:16.316700Z

Good luck with the application @zackteo and, as you say, it's a good motivation to learn more about Clojure even if you don't get accepted.


Ya, generating combinations is not an easy algo even. I'd consider this a hard question

zackteo 2020-09-13T06:31:00.317100Z

Mmmmm, unfortunately @seancorfield I think I still need to mindlessly drill such problems depending on what companies I apply for ><

💯 1
zackteo 2020-09-13T06:32:40.317500Z

But anyhow, thanks guys 😄


@zackteo This what I got

(def data [1 2 6 3 17 82 23 234])

(defn recursive-comb
  [kset-index nset-index nset kset func]
  (if (neg? kset-index)
    (func kset)
    (doseq [i (range nset-index (- (dec (count nset)) kset-index))]
      (recursive-comb (dec kset-index) (inc i) nset (assoc kset kset-index (get nset i)) func))))

(defn combinations
  [n k]
  (let [nset (vec (range (inc n)))
        kset (vec (repeat k 0))
        res (atom [])
        func #(swap! res conj %)]
    (recursive-comb (dec k) 0 nset kset func)

(defn all-combinations
  (mapcat #(combinations n %)
          (range (inc n))))

(defn smallest-pair
  [ints sum]
  (let [indices (all-combinations (count ints))]
     (fn[acc e]
       (if (= sum (reduce + (map #(get ints %) e)))
         (reduced e)
     0 indices)))

(smallest-pair data 26)
(smallest-pair data 40)
(smallest-pair data 23)
Credit mostly goes to this MATHLAB solution I adapted from:

zackteo 2020-09-13T07:58:16.320900Z

@didibus Thanks 🙂 Let me try to take a look at it!

wombawomba 2020-09-13T08:10:46.329900Z

So I have a laziness-related issue. Basically, I have this recursive function that builds a lazy seq of all possible solutions to a problem, by recursively calling itself with a smaller problem (to get all solutions to the smaller problem) and then appending all solutions to the ‘bigger’ problem to each solution of the smaller problem mapcat (think dynamic programming). Because generating solutions is somewhat costly, I would like the generated seq to be completely lazy (as in, if I ask for one solution, it just computes one solution to each sub-problem). However, this doesn’t seem to be the case — something’s forcing at least a significant amount of solutions to be generated. Now, I think that mapcat is probably the problem here, because it seems to do some sort of chunking. I’d like to write an equivalent that never realizes more elements of the colls than what is needed. So: is there a way to write such a ‘completely’ lazy mapcat?

wombawomba 2020-09-13T08:17:33.330300Z

Here’s an example of how mapcat seems to realize the first coll eagerly:

&gt; (def a (mapcat #(for [x %] (do (println x) x)) (for [_ (range 10)] (range 10))))
&gt; (first a)
[cli.repl]&gt; (second a)


You can try this:

(defn unchunk
   (when (seq s)
     (cons (first s) (unchunk (rest s))))))


(def a (mapcat #(for [x %] (do (println x) x))
               (for [_ (range 10)] (unchunk (range 10)))))

&gt; (first a)

wombawomba 2020-09-13T08:48:41.331400Z

Thanks @didibus! Alas, it seems the problem actually lies elsewhere… I’ll keep looking 🙂

wombawomba 2020-09-13T09:22:05.332Z

…I’m thinking (for [x xs y (unchunk (f x))] y) should do the trick, so maybe the problem is that f is being eager for whatever reason…

wombawomba 2020-09-13T09:34:35.332300Z

turns out the problem was that I was using schemas for the function outputs :face_palm:

dominicm 2020-09-13T12:53:16.332500Z

I'm betting there's a nice trick to do {:a ["foo" "bar"] :b ["baz" "quux"] :c ["I'm" "out"]} => {"foo" :a "bar" :a "baz" :b "quux" :b "I'm" :c "out" :c}. My current solution involves a nested reduce. It's expected the the items in the vectors are distinct.

Jan K 2020-09-13T13:00:55.332800Z

I would do (into {} (for [[k vs] input, v vs] [v k])))

dominicm 2020-09-13T13:12:01.333300Z

I like that. I don't use that part of for nearly enough. Thanks!

Eugene Koontz 2020-09-13T14:15:05.333700Z

had a similar problem (generating solutions by recursively generating and returning a lazy sequence of the solutions) - my implementation is here:

Eugene Koontz 2020-09-13T14:16:06.334Z

I guess I’m doing the unchunk in that function generate-all

Joe 2020-09-13T15:18:41.338500Z

Hi all, I don't know whether this is the right place for this, but over the weekend I was watching some conference presentation that talked about the limitations of the 'text-editing/file' paradigm for source code. That got me thinking about about what a different approach could be, and I put down some thoughts about a product There is no code for this (and frankly I'm not capable of writing it), but I would be interested in peoples thoughts around this approach, which I think Clojure is uniquely suited for and plays to Clojure's strengths. Also interested if something like this already exists! Thanks much

dominicm 2020-09-14T08:25:30.369600Z

A little while ago I recall seeing a clojure editor like this

kennytilton 2020-09-16T02:54:13.451900Z

“the limitations of the ‘text-editing/file’ paradigm”? Are we sure about that? As some famous language inventor once said, “Programming is not about typing.” Beware also the unreasoned embrace of decomposition; its prima facie appeal may ignore the way developers actually work with text. I can thrash out a hundred lines that would decompose into a fifteen node tree, and then decide, Naw, that won’t hunt. With a hundred lines of text I just slice and dice a refactoring in seconds, with a structural editor I am now fighting my IDE just to say what I mean. A good counterpoint here is that I have played with structural editors like Paredit and they are nifty, but I keep them turned off: fighting them at certain times is not justified by the keystrokes they generally save. Cue again the “not about typing” gem.

seancorfield 2020-09-16T03:05:20.452200Z

Yeah, I think Aurora was more in the right direction than the early LightTable demos -- as intriguing as they were -- because Aurora operates at an entirely higher level of abstraction. But even then, I think the visual/symbolic development systems have a very long way to go before they're going to make any inroads into mainstream programming. Our "muscle memory" for traversing files and directories and viewing deliberately arranged groups of functions will take a huge amount of "better" before we shift...

Joe 2020-09-16T11:58:08.474400Z

@hiskennyness If I'm understanding the example you give about writing 100 lines of code (presumably in a function?) and then refactoring into several functions, it wouldn't be precluded by either structural editing or the 'form editor' approach. You could extract forms into new functions, or conversely, inline them. exactly as you would in a text editor. Both structural editing and form editors constrain the programmer_,_ but the goal would be to constrain in a way that encourages an opinionated view on the best way to do things - a very Clojure-ish thing I feel. Structural Editing, I think, is about moving 'up a level' in how we interact with forms, away from editing characters, which is a legacy of the how things are stored on the machine. What I would be interested in is trying to do the same thing with the file, another legacy of how things are stored on the machine. Obviously with both you introduce constraints. So I guess thinking about it more, 'limitation of the text-editing/file paradigm' is the opposite of what I meant - it's introducing limitations to those things in the name of creating a (subjectively) better experience.

Joe 2020-09-16T12:00:12.474600Z

@seancorfield interesting you mention the 'muscle memory'. The talk that prompted this was, which is essentially about just that.

kennytilton 2020-09-16T18:53:33.486100Z

No, @allaboutthatmace1789. Not refactoring into functions. Just slicing/dicing text, during which process the text is not valid Clojure. The syntax highlighter is having a cow. Then I clean it up. Anything preventing me from mangling text is in my way. ie, You missed what I said about Paredit. Have you looked at visual programming tools from way back when? Definitely a tempting idea, but like I said, I keep Paredit turned off for a reason.

Joe 2020-09-16T19:17:39.487300Z

Oh, I see what you mean - yeah I can see how that would stop structural editing being useful.


@hiskennyness You'd need to provide details, I feel all the slicing/dicing you're doing is probably covered by some structural edit which you don't know about. That said, I won't deny that we can figure our way to any edits more easily with only knowing a few text editing commands and that can be a friendlier experience. I recommend you watch the talk I linked to Unison. Because I don't think you're seeing exactly what I'm talking about. Text editing can be your interface of choice if you want, and it could be visual, or structural, or something else. When the program source is no longer textual, those things are just various UX you can build on top. What happens in unison is that your text files are not your source code. They are just an interface to them. And you cannot add a function which isn't valid to the source. Think a kind of per-function git commit, where you have a hook that asserts the function compiles to allow the commit


In fact in Unison, you can delete the textual code, and then Unison can regenerate it for you, though it won't be exactly the text you typed, it will be the same function

kennytilton 2020-09-16T23:11:29.488100Z

That video is a little rough. The win I saw was great, but fundamentally about being immune to bit rot, dependencies, versioning, and of course deployment. I will take a look at the doc and see if I can find anything about structural editing. But Unison looks like a nice solution for the bits I grokked. thx for the lead.


Well, you're right, there's no structural editing per say, you can use the editor of your choice. But I'm not so much talking about the editing being structural as that the source code is edited in well behaving structures.


Basically, until you add the function in the source, the function is not in the source. So I consider the add function command a structural edit of the source. And you cannot add a function that doesn't compile. And another example is renaming, you rename not by changing the name on text all over the place, renaming is also a structural command edit you run on the source, etc.


Maybe I shouldn't say structural, maybe it's better to call it semantic editing?

Tom H. 2020-09-22T00:45:29.216900Z

Folks interested in this stuff, come check out the community! There's lots of people in the slack working on similar projects

👍 1
kennytilton 2020-09-25T22:05:02.159100Z

@didibus Natural language is tough. 🙂 I did realize we were talking about different things after a while. I was too hasty in thinking I knew to what you referred. Unison is intriguing!

💯 1
Joe 2020-09-26T13:11:32.179900Z

@tomisme Super interesting, thanks for the link!

alexmiller 2020-09-13T16:03:39.338700Z

The old VisualAge editor for Java had a paradigm similar to this for single-method focused editing (I believe due to its roots as a Smalltalk environment). It was not a great fit for Java as you typically needed more context than a single method but would be better for Clojure. The graph stuff always seems like a great idea on small examples - in practice, there are practical limits to how much of a graph you can fit on a page and still have nodes be readable and edges understandable, particularly in cases of high fan-out/fan-in.

👍 3
chucklehead 2020-09-13T16:14:43.339Z

I shared this in #off-topic earlier this week, but somewhat relevant to your topic: here's a demo of the CEDAR environment from Xerox PARC showing off the state-of-the-art from ~1984 around here he starts demonstrating some of the general editor functionality and then gets into more of the developer functionality with navigating/editing/building code. The way he describes mouse navigation/selection granularity working may be of interest to you.

👍 1
seancorfield 2020-09-13T17:40:56.339200Z

The original vision for LightTable was very much around functions but early trials indicated people found that hard to work with and it evolved into a more traditional editor. I remember back in the '90s, HP were working on a C++ development environment that was sort of along these lines, with editing focused on classes and drill down into methods. Very experimental stuff that ended up going nowhere I think, but it fed into HP's feedback about templates on the ANSI Standards Committee, and I got to see a prototype of it running at one of the committee meetings.

Joe 2020-09-13T17:44:44.340900Z

Hmm, it does sound like it falls in the category of ‘if it worked, someone would’ve got it working by now’. Especially if lighttable already tried and abandoned it.

seancorfield 2020-09-13T18:13:23.341100Z

Chris Granger talked about how LightTable had to pivot at one of the Conj's I think. Here's an indication of his original ideas about it and how much it drew on Smalltalk for that and this shows how it turned into a much more traditional editor


Cross posting this question since I think there is a decent chance any such library would be compatible with both…

emccue 2020-09-13T18:38:33.342100Z

question about the clojure implementation / java concurrency model

phronmophobic 2020-09-13T18:38:37.342300Z

have you tried instaparse? . probably wouldn't be too hard to find/coerce a json grammar to work with it

emccue 2020-09-13T18:39:10.343200Z

since i am going through and trying to copy paste the core vector/map/set data structures in a more "java friendly" face

emccue 2020-09-13T18:39:28.343300Z

emccue 2020-09-13T18:39:44.344Z

persistent vector has a field for caching its hash code

emccue 2020-09-13T18:40:08.344100Z

emccue 2020-09-13T18:40:31.345Z

and on the first time through it will calculate it

emccue 2020-09-13T18:40:38.345200Z


emccue 2020-09-13T18:40:44.345400Z

this._hash = hash

emccue 2020-09-13T18:40:56.345800Z

is this assignment atomic?

emccue 2020-09-13T18:41:47.346600Z

how can we know that two writes won't clobber each other in weird or undefined ways

emccue 2020-09-13T18:42:22.346700Z

phronmophobic 2020-09-13T18:43:20.347500Z

if it's pure, does it matter? worst case is that some extra work is done.

emccue 2020-09-13T18:44:03.347800Z

well, the extra work isn't an issue - that hash == 0 call can be false and it won't matter

emccue 2020-09-13T18:44:26.348Z

but lets say the hash code is 4 bytes (so we can reason about it)

emccue 2020-09-13T18:44:29.348200Z

and its 7

emccue 2020-09-13T18:44:44.348500Z

so 0111

emccue 2020-09-13T18:45:15.348700Z

I don't know if that assignment could be read halfway through writing bytes

emccue 2020-09-13T18:45:35.348900Z

so maybe it starts at 0000 and only 0100 has been written so far

phronmophobic 2020-09-13T18:46:10.349400Z

assignments of ints are atomic

phronmophobic 2020-09-13T18:46:30.349600Z

> another thread is guaranteed not to see a partially written int


hadn’t heard of this. thanks, I will check into it

alexmiller 2020-09-13T20:32:44.351500Z

Assignments of all primitive types are atomic in Java (except the 64 bit longs and doubles - know commonly as “long tearing”)

alexmiller 2020-09-13T20:34:53.353600Z

This pattern for setting the hash is racy, but safe as written - either you observe the computed hash or compute and store it, possibly writing over another threads value atomically

alexmiller 2020-09-13T20:36:25.354900Z

Java Concurrency in Practice is a great book for stuff like this, well worth reading even if you’re not using Java

👀 1
emccue 2020-09-13T21:20:15.356400Z

Hmm, a big chunk of what is in APersistentVector I can get for free with AbstractList

emccue 2020-09-13T21:20:33.356900Z


emccue 2020-09-13T21:20:35.357100Z


emccue 2020-09-13T21:22:04.357600Z

a bit of hoopla for mutable lists that is wasteful, so clojure not using it makes perfect sense

chepprey 2020-09-13T22:49:28.358200Z

Are pointers (object references) in a 64bit jvm also susceptible to tearing? Maybe I have it backwards, as in a long on a 32 bit jvm needs 2 separate machine ops to be assigned. So maybe a better question is: is tearing possible at all on a 64bit jvm, since the machine should be able to copy 64bits in one shot


Whether or not it is possible on a 64-bit JVM, I doubt anyone would recommend writing code that works on a 64-bit JVM but fails on a 32-bit JVM, since there are so few extra things needing care on a 32-bit JVM.


I will second the recommendation for the Java Concurrency in Practice book. Lots of info about what is safe in the JVM with multiple threads, and what is not.


This Stack Overflow question quotes a portion of the JLS (Java Language specification) that says that however a JVM implements object references, reads and writes of them must be implemented atomically.


If you put objects inside of a Clojure collection whose hash values can change after they are added to the collection, then there can be a data race there. Thus one should not do so.


Clojure's immutable values, including collections that contain only immutable values, never change their hash value once created, so they are all safe to put inside of such Clojure collections.


Putting mutable Java objects inside of such collections, and then mutating them later so their hash value changes, is a recipe for bugs.