I’m trying to get CI/CD on GitLab, and I keep getting this error at the end of the log:
Syntax error compiling at (/tmp/form-init5582582439791414361.clj:1:73).
688could not find a non empty configuration file to load. looked in the classpath (as a "resource") and on a file system via "conf" system property
the best way to debug pipelines in GitlabCI, is to put a sleep 1d
right before the failing line, and then connect to the runner to debug in a close loop
of course that only works if you have your own runner and not use the public ones
Ah, ok.
I’ve added the test-config.edn
file used by luminus
apps, and the pipeline script for CI/CD is running the tests with with-profile test
so I think this means the tests will be run using the test profile, which uses the .edn
file above to configure the database.
What could I be missing?
Have you tried running it locally the same way you thing it is running on the ci server?
Yes, with key word being ‘think’ lol.
I just found the error in the log is from cprop, so I’m going to dig into that library
So I dumped the config when running in the test env, and it’s full of settings…
But this last part makes me wonder:
Syntax error compiling at (/tmp/form-init408014767393427046.clj:1:72).
I can’t seem to track that down, since it’s it’s a CI/CD container
Whats the easiest way to encode/decode an Instant with transit?
I am sending a basically a database record to other nodes
it should "just work", but of course you are free to make your own writer for it if you prefer to translate it
Execution error at com.cognitect.transit.impl.AbstractEmitter/marshal (AbstractEmitter.java:194).
Not supported: class java.time.Instant
if there is a standard-ish extension i would use that
oh, I thought it was there out of the box
maybe i am using an old version
[io.pedestal/pedestal.service "0.5.8"]
[com.cognitect/transit-clj "0.8.313"]
[com.cognitect/transit-java "0.8.337"]
[javax.xml.bind/jaxb-api "2.3.0"]
[org.msgpack/msgpack "0.6.12"]
[com.googlecode.json-simple/json-simple "1.1.1" :exclusions [[junit]]]
[org.javassist/javassist "3.18.1-GA"]
I actually seem to be getting transit via pedestal
which is not ideal
yeah does not seem to be supported even on a newer version
i could always give up and just use serialization
i think that sends me straight the hell, don't collect $200
whats the worst that could happen
it's not hard to add config for new datatypes to transit
I'm pulling up an old repo where I do that to put together an example
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at taoensso.nippy/throw-unfreezable (nippy.clj:1001).
Unfreezable type: class next.jdbc.result_set$navize_row$fn__4512
yeah i actually get an interesting error
#:page_message{:id 7, :page_id_from 1, :page_id_to 1, :contents {:hello world}, :reactions [], :created_at #object[java.time.Instant 0x27c93821 2020-11-09T03:10:02.791910Z], :updated_at #object[java.time.Instant 0xe0fe300 2020-11-09T03:10:02.791910Z]}
considering nothing in the data returned has anything but basic datatypes
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn- ->transit [data]
(let [out (ByteArrayOutputStream. 4096)]
(transit/writer out :json
{:handlers {Instant
#(.toEpochMilli %))}})
(.toString out)))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn- <-transit [data]
(let [in (ByteArrayInputStream. (.getBytes data StandardCharsets/UTF_8))]
(transit/reader in :json
{:handlers {"java.time.Instant"
#(Instant/ofEpochMilli %))}}))))
but yeah, got it working
ahh, that would be it
The docs say >!
"will park if no buffer space is available". What does "park" mean here?
Reason I'm asking is I'm getting Assert failed (< (.size puts) impl/MAX-QUEUE-SIZE) errors when producing a ton of input quickly
Is that the backlog of messages waiting to be put on the channel?
Never mind, found the explanation in go
's docstring
Has anyone used https://github.com/mcohen01/amazonica for invoking Lambda functions? I can call invoke
, but the payload in the response is in a HeapByteBuffer
and I’m not sure how to translate that into something usable
Just a guess, but have you tried slurp
@asko That’s a good question. I got the following error using slurp
> Cannot open <#object[java.nio.HeapByteBuffer 0x2f40a23 “java.nio.HeapByteBuffer[pos=0 lim=281 cap=281]“]> as an InputStream.
Maybe you can use Java’s own java.nio.ByteBuffer
Examples are here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30046355/how-to-read-bytes-in-bytebuffer-with-clojure
@asko That’ll help me parse the buffer into a collection of longs. I don’t know what to do with this though. I’m expecting some JSON
Has anyone much experience with print-to-pdf
using https://github.com/tatut/clj-chrome-devtools/blob/c294a69084c5e3e655d366bc34a85d232f34219a/src/clj_chrome_devtools/commands/page.clj#L1186-L1188 … it’s tantalizingly close to working for me, but I’m getting PDFs that are showing as blank pages.
I think the data’s there (a 1-pg PDF is coming in 200-400kb, a 2-pg is about 2x that). And I’m sure the headless chrome install is working: I can make pdfs with clojure.java.shell/sh
For some background on how I’m making files https://gist.github.com/rgm/b3fb7c231ca41aad871eaf6115d7699f
I get different data sizes for different sites, and get 2 pages when I specify a 1-2 page range, so my working hypothesis is that the data is there, but something’s going wrong with a crop someplace.
@asko Here’s the code I ended up using to parse out the payload.
(defn byte-array->string [byte-array]
(.encodeToString (Base64/getEncoder) byte-array))
(defn decode-byte-buffer [payload]
(->> payload
(.decode (Base64/getDecoder))
(defn parse-payload [invoke-result]
(->> (:payload invoke-result)
What was the name of the library that offers a novel, concise performant way to do map traversal? It's on the tip of my tongue, but I can't remember/find it.
@marcus.poparcus Do you mean meander maybe?
or specter
@borkdude Ah yes, thank you! It was specter, but I remember that I wanted to check out meander too!
Do you have a preference?
I don't use either actively at the moment, besides experimenting with this: https://github.com/borkdude/grasp#pattern-matching
I think specter has the best performance
Specter and meander are aimed at fairly different use cases and have fairly different performance characteristics. There are definitely cases where I'm sure specter beats meander in performance. But others where they can be more or less the same. We do consider performance a goal. And if you find something that is slower than you would like, always let us know in #meander or on github :) My recommendation is to try out all the things the clojure community has to offer. There are so many great libraries people have made for lots of different purposes. Try them out, learn from them, and see what is right for you. Or make your own and show us all your way of doing things :)
was just about to say, I find Specter and Meander complementary to each other and wouldn’t want to be without either of them!
Just to add something here. One of the things that often makes meander slower is that we care about safety and so do lots of predicate checks to ensure the pattern you have us is really why the data is. We do try to eliminate as much as when can and plan on having a way to opt out of that for performance sake.