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Oliver George 2020-11-22T02:05:28.048200Z

This surprised me....

user=> (#())
user=> ((fn []))

Oliver George 2020-11-22T02:05:44.048600Z

Is it important/intentional that an anonymous function created with the literal #(…​) returns an empty list?


I doubt it is intentional for any deep reason, but it is a consequence of the implementation

Jan K 2020-11-22T02:21:13.052100Z

(macroexpand '#()) => (fn* [] ())


A function created with #() always expands to a fn form that has a body wrapped in parens

dpsutton 2020-11-22T02:21:57.053100Z

you don't need the macroexpand in this case. just '#() will expand it

dpsutton 2020-11-22T02:22:54.054100Z

i suspect you are sending in a function maybe in a test? if so, the idiom (constantly nil) or whatever appropriate value is always the best way to accomplish this (in my opinion)

valerauko 2020-11-22T08:41:33.055100Z

Can anything be done about some-> boxing math?

user=> (some-> 1.12 (int) (pos?))
Boxed math warning, /tmp/form-init1986363389393762289.clj:3:35 - call: public static boolean clojure.lang.Numbers.isPos(java.lang.Object).

user=> (-> 1.12 (int) (pos?))

p-himik 2020-11-22T09:18:19.055200Z

I think only rewriting it with when or if with a proper tag can get rid of the boxing.

william 2020-11-22T11:22:22.059100Z

Hi, I just created a new clojurescript project via lein new figwheel hello_world. Then in the new folder, lein figwheel starts something, but I can never get the repl. If I connect to with my browser, I get the text Figwheel template. Checkout your developer console. and in my console, the error

GET <>
Loading failed for the &lt;script&gt; with source "<>".
and indeed in the resources/public/js/compiled/ folder of my project there's no hello_world.js. On the other hand, I can use figwheel on the flappy-birds demo. Does anyone have any idea on what's going on?

william 2020-11-22T11:31:27.060100Z

I think I got it (I was skipping npm install). And also, there's a clojurescript channel! Sorry 🙈

valerauko 2020-11-22T11:46:15.060300Z

is there any way to +1 issues

borkdude 2020-11-22T12:21:23.060400Z

valerauko 2020-11-22T12:23:59.061Z

guess i'd need to log in for that then

borkdude 2020-11-22T12:24:47.061300Z

You can also vote on ask.clojure

valerauko 2020-11-22T12:37:22.061500Z

done that!

jmckitrick 2020-11-22T12:51:20.062600Z

Is ‘cucumber’ still relevant in Clojure land? Most of the libraries I’ve found seem stale.


I'd expect the introduction of cucumber to be an ask from the product team, the clojure libs mean it's possible (and I think this has mainly happened where an organization migrated from mostly ruby dev to making new services in clojure)

kwladyka 2020-11-23T21:41:57.117300Z

heh it was like that in my current company, ruby and clojure

kwladyka 2020-11-23T21:44:16.117600Z

but as far as I know (i wasn’t there when this decision was made) it was about QA and consistency. So everyone use cucumber to make things the same for QA.

kwladyka 2020-11-23T21:45:08.117900Z

At least this was an idea 😉


yeah, my recent jobs didn't have qa (internal only tools...) so that stuff folded into product

John Oerter 2020-11-23T23:28:15.119500Z

I’ve had good experiences using Specflow for C# but have never tried in Clojure

valerauko 2020-11-22T13:04:37.062700Z

never heard of it, what does it do?

alexmiller 2020-11-22T14:31:02.064800Z

That’s the important bit, thanks. If you have a specific use case you’re running into, a comment there describing it would be very useful

John Oerter 2020-11-22T14:55:46.066Z

The BDD library, right? I would be interested to know how many Clojure users use this as well.

jmckitrick 2020-11-22T14:55:49.066200Z

It’s a Behavior Driven Development tool.

jmckitrick 2020-11-22T14:56:08.066400Z

Uses Gherkin syntax to define behavior and then test for impl.

jmckitrick 2020-11-22T14:56:14.066600Z

I did just find this:

jmckitrick 2020-11-22T14:56:16.066800Z

kwladyka 2020-11-22T15:03:43.069200Z

I use cucumber everyday in my work. It works but It is bad idea to use it in project. Just don’t use it :)

kwladyka 2020-11-22T15:04:22.070Z

I use it because of legacy business decision, so I have to.

John Oerter 2020-11-22T15:07:32.071Z

@kwladyka what problems have you had?

valerauko 2020-11-22T15:12:26.071200Z

last I ran into it was trying to use .listFiles with a FileFilter

kwladyka 2020-11-22T15:14:47.073Z

In short words it makes code unnecessary complex and tests take longer.

kwladyka 2020-11-22T15:15:47.075600Z

You can write similar syntax using pure Clojure.

kwladyka 2020-11-22T15:16:57.078400Z

It is hard to describe that ad hoc, but keep your projects simple and don’t look fancy stuff :)

eoliphant 2020-11-22T15:18:44.080500Z

Hi, anyone know a way to read an EDN file that was mistakenly spit from a clojure seq via print vs pr or pr-str? Fortunately the structure is simple. it’s just a big vector of maps that only have a few keys. Just getting it in with all the map values as strings would work fine, as I could then do the transforms I need to the correct data types afterwards

John Oerter 2020-11-22T15:25:42.081200Z

Yes that makes sense. Thank you!

borkdude 2020-11-22T15:28:53.081600Z

@eloipoch small example?

eoliphant 2020-11-22T15:37:05.084100Z

sure here’s whats in my “edn” lol

{:KEY_VALS {:NGA_ID 1036089}, 
 :START_SCN 9525183027094M, 
 :XID 3A0013005E210100, 
 :COMMIT_SCN 9525183027136M, 
I think it’s making a best effort based on the first char or something. it doesn’t complain until it hits the :XID value about the value being a number

eoliphant 2020-11-22T15:37:25.084300Z

‘not’ being a number

eoliphant 2020-11-22T15:41:00.086900Z

In looking at the docs, wasn’t sure about how to handle that situation, as most what’s there seems to understandably be focused on handlers for tagged literals

borkdude 2020-11-22T15:42:33.087800Z

so you could start by placing a double quote before each comma, this seems a safe bet from your example

borkdude 2020-11-22T15:42:50.088500Z

and then work your way back to the first space and also place a double quote there?

borkdude 2020-11-22T15:43:19.089700Z

hmm, not exactly, but maybe something like this


I am guessing you might have thousands of those, though? If so, one might consider writing some kind of one-off text processing hack-ish program that uses regex to process each line and look for things that seem like they ought to have double quotes around them, and add them.


After that, then use clojure.edn/read on the resulting text file.

eoliphant 2020-11-22T15:44:45.092100Z

ah yeah, I can do that for sure. Just fixup the string first. I didn’t even think of that, was wondering if I could be done with some sort of otps/handlers to read-string. And yeah, only about 300,000 lool


I do not know of any variations or options on clojure.core/read, clojure.edn/read, or similar Clojure data readers that would accept that input.

borkdude 2020-11-22T15:45:51.094100Z

@eloipoch what you can also do is use edamame, which gives fairly accurate locations in its exceptions:

user=&gt; (require '[edamame.core :as e])
user=&gt; (def ex (slurp "/tmp/example.edn"))
user=&gt; (e/parse-string ex)
Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at (errors.clj:34).
[line 4, col 23] Invalid number: 3A0013005E210100.
user=&gt; (ex-data *e)
{:type :reader-exception, :ex-kind :reader-error, :file nil, :line 4, :col 23}
and then fix it accordingly, in a loop


If there are 300,000, though, the one-off regex-based text processing program will probably be a lot faster.

eoliphant 2020-11-22T15:46:56.095800Z

but to you guys point, just fixing it prior is workable. fortunately the data, strucutre-wise are homogenous, so a regex or pretty simple algo, should allow me to stick the quotes in


especially if you can use the keyword names to avoid replacing things that shouldn't be.

borkdude 2020-11-22T15:48:28.097700Z

hmm, you can use edamame in a loop and just do search and replace on the invalid number. the rest will be parsed as symbols

borkdude 2020-11-22T15:49:11.098500Z

heck, that will even work with clojure.edn

eoliphant 2020-11-22T15:49:21.098800Z

yeap, i’m actually messing with it now as we speak with intellij’s regex find/replace. This came up at 2AM, so my mental backtracking algo, for my solution search wasn’t exactly working well lol

eoliphant 2020-11-22T15:50:00.099200Z

yah that works too

eoliphant 2020-11-22T15:50:55.099900Z

thanks a mil guys., Other set of eyes, the most important tool in comp sci lol

😁 1
dpsutton 2020-11-22T16:12:36.100600Z

I’d probably do a keyboard macro in emacs or vim and be done pretty quick


No problem. Also, you've probably already done it, but probably a good time to go back and change that print to pr

alexmiller 2020-11-22T16:54:59.102Z

If you can add it to the ask question, that’s where we will look for that info


Hello everyone 🙂 I am a fellow Clojure dev thinking about a potential future Clojure project in the message queues space. I’d like to know more about the interests of Clojurians in this space - with the aim of building something to eventually meet those needs. I made a short survey if you have a few minutes (it’s really short) EDIT: looking at the first results, it takes about 1:20min to complete on average

adamfeldman 2020-11-26T15:50:03.233Z

Am curious to hear more about what you have in mind, and what pain points you’ve previously experienced. Survey feedback: The answer options for Q3 did not match the question 🙂. For Q4, I would have preferred to choose all that are acceptable to me, instead of just one.


Hi 😊 I'll definitely write more about the pain points. I don't want to influence the survey right now. How does Q3 not match ? It mean "or" as is: " (or (choose-own-tools you) (choose-team-tools you ) ). " Noted for Q4, I agree it would have been better. Feel free to comment extra choices in the free form.