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rutledgepaulv 2021-01-01T06:01:24.221Z

it sort of depends on the class. if there's an interface for it you can use java proxies to maintain the interface while adding additional stuff.

rutledgepaulv 2021-01-01T06:01:42.221200Z

or if you can do a delegate pattern

rutledgepaulv 2021-01-01T06:03:10.221400Z

delegate example to add metadata to an InputStream:

Ivan Fedorov 2021-01-01T07:45:29.223Z

Fellow clojurians, can anyone run this snippet

(let [zdt (ZonedDateTime/of (LocalDateTime/of 2020 12 31 0 0) (ZoneId/of "America/New_York"))
      f (DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern "YYYY-MM-dd")]
  (.format zdt f))
and say what it outputs? I’m getting “2021-12-31” on JDK10 and 11 for some reason UPDATE: ok, solved. It’s just my formatting mistake. – Y is for week-based-year – y is for era year So yyyy and all works

borkdude 2021-01-01T11:59:01.224300Z

Please add the imports for anyone too lazy to figure those out

euccastro 2021-01-01T09:51:24.223200Z

> You could wrap the middleware call: (jetty/run-jetty (fn [req] ((wrap-config #'app config) req)) opts) -- I think that would work I have been trying that with no problem until I started using CSRF protection (i.e. ring-anti-forgery), which needs to maintain state across requests

euccastro 2021-01-01T09:54:23.223500Z

you could disable CSRF protection while in development (and I wouldn't rebuild the whole handler on every request in production anyway)

euccastro 2021-01-01T09:54:52.223700Z

esp. when using reitit, which IIUC does some sort of "precompilation" of the routes for speed

euccastro 2021-01-01T10:16:22.223900Z

another workaround would be to keep a ring session store across handlers (e.g., pass that as part of the config)

borkdude 2021-01-01T11:59:01.224300Z

Please add the imports for anyone too lazy to figure those out

Louis Kottmann 2021-01-01T14:23:31.226600Z

Hello, after working on bots in ruby, for the past few months I've been working on a Slack bot in clojure, using the latest Slack events API & interaction API, clojure's async capabilities and other good stuff it provides help and command completion via back-and-forth with users for prompting values in the form of buttons/datepickers/etc. It allows you to define steps to generate an output with pedestal-backed interceptors. Registering a command looks like this:

Louis Kottmann 2021-01-01T14:23:51.226900Z

A more complex command looks like this (with parameters and prompting):

Louis Kottmann 2021-01-01T14:23:57.227300Z

I'm wondering now if it could be useful to others, and if I should try and release a library out of it Mind you, I'm new to Clojure and the code is probably not idiomatic, I could use some help in the process


Anyone have any luck installing Clojure CLI tools via HomeBrew on an Apple Silicon machine? Fails for me when trying to build an aarch64 OpenJDK. I’d like it to skip that step, but didn’t have any luck telling it to just ignore the dep (it goes looking for it even though it didn’t pull it in as a dep).

simongray 2021-01-01T16:32:31.230800Z

Thank you for that example. I’m not sure I understand what the delegate part is in the example and how it differs from java proxies, since the the example seems to use proxy? Anyway, if my understanding is correct, I will need the proxied class to have constructor that can take an existing instance of the class and create a new instance from it, right? It is a great hack, but unfortunately it’s not general enough to wrap e.g. random Java objects from a Java library, which is really what I’m looking for… :/

GGfpc 2021-01-01T18:10:25.232300Z

Is there a way to redefine a function that is called inside the function I want to test? Say function A calls B which calls an external API. I want to override B to return something so I can test A without having to call the API


the best choice is to parameterize, second best is to not use any threads and use with-redefs


parameterizing could mean taking an implementation of some protocol as an argument, and using a test-implementation in your test, or just taking a function to call as part of the argument list


this combines nicely with things like stuartsierra/component or integrant that do state management as well


(nb I mention not using threads explicitly because with-redefs is not thread safe)

GGfpc 2021-01-01T18:13:42.235Z



there's also the in-between choice of using a dynamic var plus binding to override - at least that's thread safe

alexmiller 2021-01-01T18:24:36.236400Z

Did you use the Clojure tap?

alexmiller 2021-01-01T18:26:16.237900Z

brew install clojure/tools/clojure` Or brew install clojure

alexmiller 2021-01-01T18:27:29.239500Z

Those formulas declare java as a dep differently, not actually sure either will work

simongray 2021-01-01T18:48:07.244300Z

Where does it make the most sense to put your protocol definitions, supposing you have lots of them? You can put them all in a core namespace, but doesn’t this complect the core namespace? You can put them in lots of separate namespaces according to a separation of needs, but doesn’t this obfuscate their existence somewhat? And won’t it potentially result in many unclear requires?

clyfe 2021-01-01T18:51:14.244600Z

Lots of separate namespaces according to a separation of needs; and these be in the private api; separate public api with plain functions that calls into them. Or so the mailing list says...


this is part of why I hate the name "core" - the top level ns shouldn't contain the protocol definitions as they belong at the bottom of the require tree, and the top level ns belongs... at the top


then the top level definitions combine implementations of the protocols with functions calling protocol methods


there are plenty of clojure devs who avoid private definition, that's an implementation detail here

roklenarcic 2021-01-01T19:07:08.245500Z

thanks people, I wanted equality semantics so I didn’t go with array, but rather with (List/of (object-array [val1 val2]))


I’ve always wondered about that, too. I always put them in a separate namespace, so the implementation namespaces can require them, and the core api has functions calling the protocol methods, and requires the implementation namespaces so they get compiled. But is there an easier way?

vemv 2021-01-01T21:06:37.249700Z

I'd say that simply sharing it cannot hurt! there's nothing wrong with a tentative or 'playground' repo you might find specific help or perhaps some a kind code review over #pedestal

vemv 2021-01-01T21:25:19.251200Z

I need a few more large, java-heavy oss clj projects to try a certain tool on. e.g. Crux, Metabase. suggestions? :)


Not sure if they're java-heavy enough but: (for an old one)

vemv 2021-01-01T21:42:23.251700Z

bet they are transitively java-heavy at the very least ;p thanks!

Mike Martin 2021-01-01T21:52:41.255Z

hello! 👋 Can anyone help me understand why this code works the way it does?

(get 5 :foo) ; => nil
The documentation for get indicates that a map should be provided, but if you provide any non-map data structure it still works without throwing an exception. I attempted to look at the source for get but found that its definition was seemingly recursive and somehow bottoms out in clojure.lang.RT.

Mike Martin 2021-01-01T21:55:16.255100Z

a little more poking around in clojure.lang.RT yielded this section which I believe contains the answer I’m looking for

Mike Martin 2021-01-01T21:55:31.255400Z

so uh.. thanks for letting me rubber duck in here 😅


as that code shows, it works with anything that is ILookup, but also anything getFrom can handle


so it works on built in types clojure doesn't redefine:

)user=> (get "hello" 1)

dorab 2021-01-01T21:59:02.256Z

One caution (that @noisesmith refers to) is to never directly expose a protocol to the outside world. Do it via a function that then calls the protocol method. That way, you can change the protocol without impacting external callers. This way also helps if you need to later add any pre- or post-processing. If the protocol is only ever used internally, by namespaces you control, then the above is not needed.


it turns out that getFrom is quite permissive and returns nil instead of erroring on absurd input


a silly consequence of this is that any usage of get can be replaced with (get get get get) (even recursively, of course)

Mike Martin 2021-01-01T22:02:24.256600Z

thank you for the additional detail! Normally I never would have tried to feed get non-map input but the example in chapter 5 of clojure for the brave and true incidentally processes a map where an integer gets fed into get and I was really surprised that it just worked


yeah, it can be the source of strange deeper bugs


see for example

user=> (get (atom {:a 0}) :a)
oops! forgot to deref

Mike Martin 2021-01-01T22:06:37.257300Z

yikes that would be a pain to debug. Any idea what the rationale is for get returning nil instead of throwing an exception? I suppose it’s better to be permissive so that dynamic usage of get doesn’t blow up in the wild maybe?

seancorfield 2021-01-01T22:14:44.257500Z

We've talked about writing this up to add it to the FAQ on since it seems to trip every new Clojure developer up at least once, and there isn't currently a single place we can point folks to, by way of explanation.

seancorfield 2021-01-01T22:17:36.257700Z

Part of it is consistency: you can always call get on something without an exception -- you just get nil back if the "key" isn't found in the "collection". (get {:a 1} :b) returns nil, (get {:a 1} :b :c) returns :c (the "not found" arity). This is consistent with (coll :b) returning nil and (coll :b :c) returning :c -- since some collections can act as functions and look their argument up in themselves -- and also with (:b coll) and (:b coll :c) which is because keywords can also act as functions and look themselves up in their argument.

seancorfield 2021-01-01T22:19:40.257900Z

Returning nil for "not found" (or the supplied "not found" value) means that you can omit a lot of special case checking and validation on the "coll" argument in all of this and know that if you get non-`nil` (or you don't get the "not found" value) then the "coll" does indeed contain the key and your code can continue. All other cases just reduce to nil-punning without needing exception handling.

seancorfield 2021-01-01T22:20:42.258100Z

If you want an exception for non-collection arguments, you can check for the presence of the key with contains? first: (contains? 5 :foo) throws an exception.

seancorfield 2021-01-01T22:22:13.258300Z

There's also nth -- compare against get behavior:

dev=> (get [1 2 3 4] 10)
dev=> (nth [1 2 3 4] 10)
Execution error (IndexOutOfBoundsException) at dev/eval10311 (dev.clj:1).
dev=> (nth 5 10)
Execution error (UnsupportedOperationException) at dev/eval10315 (dev.clj:1).
nth not supported on this type: Long

seancorfield 2021-01-01T22:22:44.258500Z

Is that helpful background/motivation @mike973?

Mike Martin 2021-01-01T22:26:59.258700Z

that is very helpful, thank you for taking the time to explain that. It’s also a good reminder that I should go and read up on nil-punning. I have a cursory understanding of it but this situation has certainly shed some more light on the topic

simongray 2021-01-01T22:45:58.258900Z

@dorab This is mostly about implementing the Datafy protocol for a bunch of different Java 0bjects.

simongray 2021-01-01T22:48:45.259300Z

^^ I wonder if you answers are still the same? @noisesmith @claudius.nicolae


in that case you aren't defining any new protocols, right?

simongray 2021-01-01T23:37:38.260200Z

@noisesmith no, I guess not. By definitions I meant function definitions (as opposed to calling a function).


Does that really take less memory?


one thing I've done for this is to require without a vector when requiring a namespace for its protocol extensions


most style guides say to never use require without the vector though


(ns my.ns
            [ :as directly]))


the require is happening for a side effect (the fact that something gets extended by that ns)


so none of the require features that you'd use a vector for actually make sense


Also, forgot to mention before, if you're storing primitives, you can try vector-of it is a space efficient version of vector, the purpose of it is space efficiency.


It's basically a vector interface implemented over a typed homogeneous array of primitives


Thanks @alexmiller, the tap worked