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I've been working with some dynamic variables for a little project I'm using, and it seems like they aren't working for me. My setup is like so: I have a namespace which creates a dynamic variable, and defines a macro which includes binding it. In another namespace, I use said namespace (this works the same when I require it too), define a function, and call it from within the body of a usage of the macro, and while in that function the binding value isn't visible. However, whenever I use the cider debugger and debug either the function being called, or the usage of the macro, it works as intended.


Is there some gotcha with dynamic variables that would cause this? Or is there something else about my setup which is going wrong?


My guess would be you are binding the macro during macro expansion, but not in the expansion of the macro


behavior is identical when the usage of the macro is substituted for its macroexpansion


And what is that?


(restart-case (analyze-logs '("LOG: Hello, world!"
                              "LOG: This is a second log entry"
                              "LOG: "
                              "LOG: hey"
                              "ERROR: "))
  ::exit (fn [] (throw (ex-info "exit" {}))))

(binding [*restarts* (merge *restarts*
                                   (fn [args__14292__auto__]
     '("LOG: Hello, world!"
       "LOG: This is a second log entry"
       "LOG: "
       "LOG: hey"
       "ERROR: "))
       (condp #(semaphore.proto/is-target? %2 %1) e__14300__auto__
         :semaphore.core/jump-target14766 (fn 
                                             (ex-info "exit" {})))
         (throw e__14300__auto__))
       (semaphore.proto/args e__14300__auto__)))))


Sent in a reply so as not to put a lot of code inline


Maybe you are constructing something like a lazy seq which is being realized outside the scope of the binding


No sequences are produced


actually wait


maybe that's it


That was it


No sequences are in the macro etc, but the return value produces a lazy value





onetom 2021-04-01T02:13:01.178600Z

@emccue im curious too! have u been already familiar with spring sec before u learnt clojure? @vemv let's not forget that one of clojure's core ideas is to allow leveraging existing jvm solutions.

emccue 2021-04-01T02:56:56.178800Z

I'm not going to pretend to have a real scientific justification but in general for stuff like passwords and hashing i'd rather have stuff that is more well audited. Its a comfort blanket sort of thing.

emccue 2021-04-01T03:00:03.179200Z

I tend to program in clojure as if everyone involved in the language other than me is going to die suddenly one day choking on the dust that was once a river

emccue 2021-04-01T03:01:49.179400Z

JDBC stuff is stable, http stack is stable, libraries that work with just data I can alter if needed

emccue 2021-04-01T03:02:25.179600Z

"Security" just feels like something that would require frequent/crucial updates from domain experts. I trust the spring community for that more

emccue 2021-04-01T03:05:17.179900Z

Which is hypocritical, since I do use buddy for stuff

vemv 2021-04-01T03:05:40.180100Z

IDK, a crypto fn is essentially a mathematical function and I don't expect math to change much over time :) FWIW I'm not java-allergic (in fact the opposite) but if I can pick a lib instead of a framework, that seems a win to me auditing is also a delicate topic. A framework (even more so one written in java) seems hard to audit; often surprisingly few people know the guts of the stuff

vemv 2021-04-01T03:06:27.180300Z

it's not all kittens and unicorns in clojure land of course, but a smaller lib in my language of choice seems vastly easier to assess (especially for code coverage)

emccue 2021-04-01T03:07:30.180500Z

> a crypto fn is essentially a mathematical function Yeah, but the time taken to compute that function is an important consideration. I remember reading this a while back and it i think influences my opinion

emccue 2021-04-01T03:09:04.180800Z

There is this offhand comment in there "a scheme isn't secure until it has been extensively attacked."

🙂 1
emccue 2021-04-01T03:09:37.181Z

and at this point i'm arguing with vibes and impressions, but it does make sense to me

emccue 2021-04-01T03:10:28.181300Z

at least in the manner I use spring security it is a library - it has compile time dependencies on spring but I don't think much at runtime, and I just call the java classes directly without any of that factory/bean nonsense

👍 1
emccue 2021-04-01T03:12:16.181600Z

(def ^PasswordEncoder password-encoder

(defn create!
  "Creates and returns a user record."
  [db email password]
  (sql/insert! db "\"user\"" {:email (string/lower-case email)
                              :password_hash (.encode password-encoder password)}))

(defn confirm-password
  "Takes a user and a password to check to see if it is the password for the user."
  [user password]
  (let [password-hash (:user/password_hash user)]
    (.matches password-encoder password password-hash)))

emccue 2021-04-01T03:12:33.181900Z

(side project, not work project so I can share code)

vemv 2021-04-01T03:15:09.182100Z

I respect all of that :) probably the world would be a safer place if there more lang-independent test suites around for crypto, csrf, etc. Like but for this domain Else our security boils down to trust. There isn't a categorical difference between trusting Spring or trusting a high-quality :clj: lib

emccue 2021-04-01T03:18:25.182400Z

Yeah, which - there is a categorical difference between stuff like buddy and

emccue 2021-04-01T03:20:05.182700Z

no offense to jcf or his code. I can't think of any obvious things he would get wrong or can even justify oauth being an issue

emccue 2021-04-01T03:20:48.182900Z

but it is marked as "This project is under active development, and has yet to reach 1.0. As such the API may change." in the readme, has 4 releases, hasn't been updated in 5 years, and has 17000 downloads on clojars

Timofey Sitnikov 2021-04-01T13:22:00.186700Z

Good morning, I have a function that I think produces a lazy sequence:

(defn all-files []
  (let [grammar-matcher (.getPathMatcher 
    (->> "./resources/"
         (filter #(.isFile %))
         (filter #(.matches grammar-matcher (.getFileName (.toPath %))))
         (map #(.getAbsolutePath %))))) 
It outputs a sequence of all txt files in the tree. When I begin to use sequence with a map that will read each file and print out the file name, I end up getting the following error:
Execution error (NullPointerException) at (REPL:1).
I am assuming that this is because the lazy sequence is not done and when I consume it, it runs out of completed items and then hits the error. Is that a good assumption?

alexmiller 2021-04-01T13:25:51.187300Z

maybe. might want to (clojure.repl/pst *e) when you get it to see the stack trace

alexmiller 2021-04-01T13:26:50.188100Z

(you'll want to be careful reading resources as files too - this won't work if you package this code+resources in a jar)

Timofey Sitnikov 2021-04-01T15:53:37.188400Z

Never did the stack tracing, will try to figure it out, thank you.

awb99 2021-04-01T16:53:31.191500Z

I want to do a couple http/rest api calls. The api endpoint has rate-limiting. I am looking for a good way to structure the workflow. So say I start with 1 api call, then update an atom based on the result, then do more calls. Sometmes I have to iterate throuh paged results, etc. Is there some kind of example with core.async avaiable, where I could see how to structure a workflow like that?

2021-04-01T16:56:14.191600Z the source here is pretty small and worth checking out even if you don't want to use the library

alexmiller 2021-04-01T16:57:48.191900Z

we have some work in progress towards adding something like this to core.async, @ghadi can probably drop a gist

👀 2
awb99 2021-04-01T17:06:13.192300Z

Thanks @jjttjj and @alexmiller

awb99 2021-04-01T17:07:42.192500Z

I am using throttler. But I find thst he orchestration code I have is really bad. In javascript there are a ton of libraries that use promises to structure workflows. AndI would like to write clj + cljs code with core.async that has similar functionality.

awb99 2021-04-01T17:08:00.192700Z

The actual code that does the work is easy to write in clj + cljs.

awb99 2021-04-01T17:08:28.192900Z

But the coordination to structure a workflow is pretty difficult


Iteration is feedback


which is to say, if you have something like clojure.core/iterate, the way it works is it produces a seq by calling a function to get the first element, and then feeding that first element back into the function to get the rest


iteration is what you want for paginated apis, because each page is a page of results + some "next" value that you use to get the next page


with core.async there are sort of two ways to build an interative process


1. take a function and iterate it (lifting a function into a process) 2. take a process and iterate it


iterating a a function to turn it in to a process is pretty straightforward, it looks just like using iterate to build a lazy sequence, but instead of constructing a lazy seq you are sending to a channel


iterating a process involves adding a backward edge (like another channel), that takes data from the output and feeds it back into the input

Max 2021-04-01T20:42:08.199Z

I know anonymous functions with multiple arguments aren’t super popular here, but I hope someone enjoys adding this to their utils namespace:

(defn map-curry [f coll]
  (map #(apply f %) coll))

(map-curry #(hash-map %2 %1}) {:a 1 :b 2})
;; =&gt; ({1 :a} {2 :b})
;; Compare to:
;; (map (fn [[k v]] (hash-map %v %k))  {:a 1 :b 2})

;; Also works on tuples!
(map-curry #(+ % 1 (/ %2 %3)) [[1 2 3] [4 5 6]])
;; =&gt; (8/3 35/6)
EDIT: I got it backwards, it’s actually uncurrying so a better name would be map-uncurry

dpsutton 2021-04-01T20:45:18.199400Z

where does the curry come in?

🍛 1
☝️ 1
awb99 2021-04-01T21:46:09.200400Z

Thanks @hiredman this is what I need. Do you know where I might get some kind of example for this two approaches?

quoll 2021-04-01T21:51:52.205300Z

Seeing the construct #(apply f %) reminds me of a question. Rather than the anonymous fn syntax, I prefer the higher-order-fn approach of (partial apply f). However, that used to come with a performance penalty. I see that`partial`, but I thought there was also something about getting it close to anonymous function performance in a release at one point? I’m not seeing it though, so maybe I was wrong. I’m wondering if these two constructs are going to be about the same in performance, or if anonymous functions are still faster. Does anyone know please?

nilern 2021-04-03T07:46:29.227400Z

On Cljs the definitions of stuff like partial and comp also generate a lot of JS. But OTOH if some dependency is using them you will get that JS anyway so why not use them directly too...


I do not. is a seq version of unfold(or iterate), you can write something similar that sends output to a channel instead of cons'ing up a seq


in terms of performance the problem is apply not partial ; )

quoll 2021-04-01T21:58:10.206100Z

The question is in terms of: (partial some-fn) vs. #(some-fn %)

quoll 2021-04-01T21:58:51.206300Z

The only reason I mentioned apply was because that was the construct in the above message from Max

seancorfield 2021-04-01T21:58:52.206500Z

I’m influenced by the fact that Rich has said he considers partial to be less idiomatic than an anonymous function.

quoll 2021-04-01T21:59:22.206700Z

I hadn’t heard that. Thank you


(e/qb 1e5
  ((partial tmpfn) nil)
  (#(tmpfn nil)))
;; =&gt; [7.33 4.55]
result in ms

quoll 2021-04-01T22:05:08.207100Z

Do you mean?

(e/qb 1e5
  ((partial tmpfn) nil)
  (#(tmpfn %) nil))

p-himik 2021-04-01T22:07:20.207300Z

An almost verbatim reproduction of the test from that issue:

Clojure 1.10.2
user=&gt; (require '[criterium.core :refer [bench]])

user=&gt; (let [f (partial + 1 1)] (bench (f 1 1)))
Evaluation count : 575498700 in 60 samples of 9591645 calls.
             Execution time mean : 98.891101 ns
    Execution time std-deviation : 1.024939 ns
   Execution time lower quantile : 98.103690 ns ( 2.5%)
   Execution time upper quantile : 100.146501 ns (97.5%)
                   Overhead used : 5.615028 ns

Found 4 outliers in 60 samples (6.6667 %)
	low-severe	 3 (5.0000 %)
	low-mild	 1 (1.6667 %)
 Variance from outliers : 1.6389 % Variance is slightly inflated by outliers

user=&gt; (let [f (fn [a b] (+ 1 1 a b))] (bench (f 1 1)))
Evaluation count : 6352825620 in 60 samples of 105880427 calls.
             Execution time mean : 3.946144 ns
    Execution time std-deviation : 0.466162 ns
   Execution time lower quantile : 3.811868 ns ( 2.5%)
   Execution time upper quantile : 3.993066 ns (97.5%)
                   Overhead used : 5.615028 ns

Found 1 outliers in 60 samples (1.6667 %)
	low-severe	 1 (1.6667 %)
 Variance from outliers : 77.1883 % Variance is severely inflated by outliers


@quoll A silly mistake, but the result is basically identical

p-himik 2021-04-01T22:08:38.207900Z

In my case, the result is quite different. :) 99ns vs 4ns.

quoll 2021-04-01T22:09:24.208100Z

This is why I don’t trust myself benchmarking things like this 🙂

quoll 2021-04-01T22:09:34.208300Z

Thank you for the comparisons

p-himik 2021-04-01T22:10:42.208500Z

I imagine, the results may also vary greatly between JVMs. But I'm too lazy to actually check it. Especially since I almost never use partial myself.


@p-himik probably because you're declaring the function in let, and #{ wastes time declaring the function on the fly with each iteration of the bench

p-himik 2021-04-01T22:11:11.208900Z

That lambda ends up being compiled as a class, once. It's not recompiled on each execution.

➕ 1
p-himik 2021-04-01T22:11:47.209100Z

partial is useful when you have a multi-arity function that you want to curry.