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Hello! Is there any way to customize repl prompt in rebel-readline?


Tried some ways, some tricky like

$ clojure --repl
Clojure 1.10.1
user=> (alter-var-root
 (fn [_]
   (fn [] (printf "my-prefix-%s=> " (ns-name *ns*)))))
#object[user$eval1$fn__137$fn__138 0x74cadd41 "user$eval1$fn__137$fn__138@74cadd41"]
user=> (clojure.main/repl-prompt)
my-prefix-user=> nil
but as you see it doesnt work...

dpsutton 2021-05-22T01:50:34.185400Z

Read the docstring of clojure.main/repl

dpsutton 2021-05-22T01:51:14.186300Z

Oh not sure rebel readline will compose well with that


starting internal repl in parent one is not what i need unfortunatelly. here is some useful way but not related to rebel-readline


actually I dont need rebel, but any way for starting repl with customized prompt and which writes its input echo as a regular output stream (like rebel and repl-y does, but not raw clojure / clj)


for lein nRepl repl-y does it, but for clojure-cli I didn't find a way yet

dpsutton 2021-05-22T02:01:53.192600Z

Sure. Read the docstring for clojure.main/repl. You can give your own eval function which can write to a file and the. Evaluate.

dpsutton 2021-05-22T02:02:03.193Z

I wrote one that saves all forms to a database.


Do you suggest to: stty -echo start my own main/repl with adding echo before :eval and my custom prompt ? Sounds like a plan, I'l try it, but not sure if it fits

dpsutton 2021-05-22T02:06:03.196700Z

I’m not sure I understand what you mean by echo. I thought you needed to have all repl input saved to a file. “Echo the input into a file”. That may not be what you meant


Definitely not. I want • terminal repl client, writes its input echo in a standart out (like repl-y & rebel, not like clojure & clj) • having customized prompt in this case


not exactly. Like this lein repl > .tmp - compare with clj > .tmp I need repl as a output stream produser with custom prompt and all the echo in stdout (like lein but not like clj)

flowthing 2021-05-22T20:21:50.275900Z

λ clj -M -e '(clojure.main/repl :prompt (fn [] (print "my.prompt=> ")) :eval (fn [code] (spit "/tmp/input.txt" code) (eval code)) :print (fn [ret] (spit "/tmp/output.txt" ret) (prn ret)))'
my.prompt=> (inc 1)
λ cat /tmp/input.txt
(inc 1)⏎
λ cat /tmp/output.txt
like this?


yep, but with sending all to ppipe, even echo input ) now I,m trying to play with expect on it

flowthing 2021-05-22T20:30:20.277400Z

All right, I don't understand what you're trying to do, but I'm pretty sure you can do it by starting a socket REPL, making a VS Code thing that connects to it, then calls clojure.main/repl to do it. 😛


Yep, with socket or nRepl seems to be so 🙂 But I started with linux pipe 'middlewares' and for now going to play with them 😁 Thanks alot anyway!


does using clojure (not readline wrapped) instead of clj (readline wrapped) help you here? I definitely wouldn't use the readline wrapped version of a program with expect, if there's an option


this reminds me of my long standing threat to make expect for clojure :D


Yesterdays night I solved the problem - see Clojure CLI section in readme 🙂


lein's repl-y works as it describes, and lein profile can set repl-options including prompt function. Now I'm searching solution for clojure cli (without lein)


I am not sure about this part: Why doesn’t (go (map <! some-chan)) work?


as I understand it, the answer is that go is a code rewrite that inverts <!, >! etc. so that surrounding code is made into callbacks on channel objects with the channel op as the sequence point / split point. using a split point token as a first class function is nonsensical (unless maybe you have call/cc which we don't have)


I worded that very obscurely. go rewrites your block of code, and everything outside / before a call to <!, >!, alts! etc. gets turned into a callback on the incoming channel, and everything inside / after that call becomes a second callback attached to the channel, activated after the data is available.


I don't think I ever would have made sense of it if I hadn't previously learned continuation passing style (a tedious way to write code, but a very useful transform for compilers)


It also claims just below saying that: However, other Clojure constructs, such as `doseq` do not allocate closures internally. Not sure about the closure here.


When does map create functions?


I see I get it.

flowthing 2021-05-22T05:07:01.201700Z

Like this?

λ clj -M -e '(clojure.main/repl :prompt (fn [] (print "my.prompt=> ")) :eval (fn [x] (prn x) (eval x)))'
my.prompt=> (inc 1)
(inc 1)
my.prompt=> (dec 2)
(dec 2)

Illia Danko 2021-05-22T15:37:07.204200Z

Hello there, I'm trying to get into core.async and copy and paste code from some example leads to an error:

Exception in thread "async-thread-macro-1" Exception in thread "async-thread-macro-2" clojure.lang.ArityException: Wrong number of args (2) passed to: clojure.core.async/fn--12774
        at clojure.lang.AFn.throwArity(
        at clojure.lang.AFn.invoke(
        at idanko.progsolutions.clojure.core_async.thread_macro$eval16837$fn__16838.invoke(NO_SOURCE_FILE:12)
        at clojure.core.async$thread_call$fn__12905.invoke(async.clj:484)
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
        at java.base/
clojure.lang.ArityException: Wrong number of args (1) passed to: clojure.core.async/fn--12786
        at clojure.lang.AFn.throwArity(
        at clojure.lang.AFn.invoke(
        at idanko.progsolutions.clojure.core_async.thread_macro$eval16837$fn__16841.invoke(NO_SOURCE_FILE:16)
        at clojure.core.async$thread_call$fn__12905.invoke(async.clj:484)
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
        at java.base/
what i'm trying to evaluate is:
(ns idanko.progsolutions.clojure.core_async.thread-macro
  (:require [clojure.core.async :refer [chan <!! >!! thread]]))

(let [c chan]
    (dotimes [x 3]
      (<!! c x)
      (println "Put: " x)))
    (dotimes [x 3]
      (println "Take " (>!! c)))))
where is a catch?

flowthing 2021-05-22T15:39:28.204300Z

<!! and >!! are the wrong way around. <!! is take and takes one arg, >!! is put and takes two args.

👍 1
Illia Danko 2021-05-22T15:41:15.204600Z

ended, my bad

Illia Danko 2021-05-22T15:45:00.204800Z

ok, also chan is not called as a func

flowthing 2021-05-22T15:45:24.205Z

Oh, yep. :thumbsup::skin-tone-2:

zendevil 2021-05-22T15:59:26.208100Z

Definitely not a clojure related question, but folks are really good here so. I have three labels: amusement, calm and energetic. I get a sets of words like: Set1 = {Cloud Sky People in nature Plant Flash photography Happy Shorts Grass Leisure Recreation} Set2 = {Plant Green Natural landscape Natural environment Branch Tree People in nature Shade Wood Deciduous} I want to classify these group of words into one of the labels. What do you guys think? Set1 should be labelled energetic and Set2 should be labelled calm. What do you guys think?

p-himik 2021-05-22T16:09:39.208400Z

Perhaps more suited for #off-topic

vncz 2021-05-22T17:28:21.226400Z

I’ve noticed Sublime Text 4 is out and I do remember somebody with a link about setting up Clojure with SB4. Does anybody have the link somewhere?

flowthing 2021-05-22T17:30:08.226700Z

Probably not the exact thing you're looking for, but I'm obligated to plug my thing. 😛

vncz 2021-05-22T17:30:59.227Z

Does it work with ST4?

flowthing 2021-05-22T17:31:07.227200Z

It only works with ST4.

vncz 2021-05-22T17:31:21.227500Z

Oh nice, in such case I’ll give it a try

salam 2021-05-22T17:31:26.227700Z

I've managed to confuse myself with protocols and records, again. I have a protocol defined in a namespace that's extended to a record defined in another namespace as follows: core/store.clj:


(defprotocol Store
  "An abstraction for a persistent data store."
  (read-records [this] "Reads records from a Store.")
  (write-records [this records] "Writes records to a Store."))
  (:require []))

(defrecord InMemoryStore []
  ( [this] [1 2 3])  ; A: fully-qualified method name
  (write-records [this records] :success))  ; B: non-qualified method name
Both notations A and B for referring to the methods defined in protocol Store seem to be valid (i.e., they both compile) but Cursive indicates that notation A is an error (i.e., it puts a squiggly line under the qualified method name, but shows the correct docstring (however, it fails to show the docstring for the "correct" notation B 🤷). Now my question is, which notation is the canonical one when referring to a protocol method defined in another namespace in the context of defrecord? If I understood correctly what happens with protocol definitions under the hood, they just def a bunch of regular Vars (with some metadata) and we should just refer to them as we would with any other Vars but I was confused by the fact that we can in fact refer to them with and without the their namespace (or alias) when extending a record. Is there something special about defrecord when it comes to extending a protocol?

vncz 2021-05-22T17:31:30.227800Z

I’d like to get away from VSCode if possible

vncz 2021-05-22T17:32:40.228Z

for battery reasons mostly

flowthing 2021-05-22T17:33:53.228200Z

Cool. It's in alpha and not many people have used it so far, so you'll probably come across some issues. In that case, please don't hesitate to DM me and I'll look into it.

vncz 2021-05-22T17:34:01.228400Z



The second is correct


Because you are referring to the name in the context of the given protocol, you don't need to disambiguated via namespaces

lilactown 2021-05-22T17:47:12.231300Z

do people have a generally positive feeling about core.cache?

lilactown 2021-05-22T17:48:40.232800Z

I'm looking at writing some caching algos for ClojureScript, and wondering if I should push on trying to get a release of core.cache that at least has the protocols in CLJS, or if I should just release my own standalone lib

salam 2021-05-22T17:53:39.232900Z

That's interesting. Do you know of anything (documentation, articles, blog posts, mailing lists messages, etc.) that you can point me at that discusses these two different notations? Thanks!


I’ve never seen it discussed—in part because I think it’s not often that it occurs to people to try it 😄


but hang on, I think I found something in the compiler about this

salam 2021-05-22T17:57:01.233500Z

Exactly, I just "discovered" this today despite the fact that I've been using Clojure for more than 5 years. 😅


So defrecord compiles down to deftype*. This appears to be where deftype* compiles the method forms. You can see at line 8437 that the emitted method name is just the name portion of the parsed symbol.


(it calls


I’m no expert on this part of the compiler, but it appears that any namespace portion is just dropped during compilation.


You can probably confirm this trivially with a decompiler.


Just my own opinion (I’ve only talked to people I’ve worked with about it), but I have little use for it as-is.

dpsutton 2021-05-22T18:03:12.235400Z

I consider the cache protocol private.


Because: when I usually want a cache I either want to spare compute resources or spare load on downstream resources. core.cached doesn’t coordinate value initialization, so it leaves both of those use cases unsatisfied.


It seems okay when you’re looking to shave 10ms on a large volume of calls. But if you want to save 30s of compute or a 2gb network trip on a low volume of calls, it’s useless.

salam 2021-05-22T18:06:33.236Z

Nice! I'll take it from here and dig a little bit. Thanks, @potetm!

👍 1

I have also never seen core.cache used without core.memoize, because no one wants an immutable cache


Do you think it’s to do with it being immutable per se? Non-coordinated is the primary issue as I see it.

lilactown 2021-05-22T18:26:19.236600Z

"coordinate value initialization" by which you mean it doesn't handle multiple concurrent processes getting a miss and then fetching/computing the result?

✔️ 1
lilactown 2021-05-22T18:27:08.237500Z

in the case of CLJS it's actually convenient that it's immutable, since there tend to be different special atom-like containers used amongst different UI frameworks

lilactown 2021-05-22T18:28:11.238300Z

sounds like it may not ubiquitous enough for there to be a big benefit to having a community-wide protocol for it

lilactown 2021-05-22T18:28:32.238800Z

so I won't waste my time trying to push for a CLJS protocol 🙂


Hello. Recently I asked some weird questions and maybe there was not clear what I want. I try to explain in another words - any can make a little experiment: compare `lein repl > .tmp` with `clj > .tmp` I need the first behaviour from clojure cli (I mean echo in stdout) - is it possible? And also customized prompt. Thanks.

dpsutton 2021-05-22T19:41:16.242900Z

when i run lein repl > .tmp i never see what i'm typing, but all output is sent to the file. is that what you want?


Exactly yep!


And you will see in file what are you typing

dpsutton 2021-05-22T19:42:30.244Z

have you seen script?

dpsutton 2021-05-22T19:42:44.244500Z

you can record the entire terminal session


Not yet, but I'l google about it, thanks

dpsutton 2021-05-22T19:43:28.245400Z

not clear to me if you don't want to see what you're typing (sounds very strange to me) or are just willing to not see what you are typing to have a full repl history saved


I'l see what I'm typin, cause I'l redirect repl stdout not to file but to my custom consume-visualizer. But in order to do it I need all in the pipe

lilactown 2021-05-22T19:47:00.247100Z

is there a reason you need to specifically use stdout?

lilactown 2021-05-22T19:47:19.247600Z

clojure has protocols for working with remote REPLs programmatically that might be more useful


Yep, you mean nRepl and sockets. But I want universal common easy solution as a consumer of all terminal repl data

lilactown 2021-05-22T19:49:36.249400Z

I'm curious why terminal though?


cause it's common, universal, and seems like a good point to interact with repls running either with lein/repl-y either with clojure cli or somethig else


and not need to connect via nrepls ports and implement nrepl protocol (it is easy in clojure but not in clojurescript)

dpsutton 2021-05-22T19:53:42.254300Z

i don't see a solution in my head but i feel like there's a way to be clever with a socket repl and a wrapper around the socket. perhaps nc can mirror socket traffic to a file?

lilactown 2021-05-22T19:54:07.254800Z

I would think socket REPL would be the most common; it comes with clojure.core, you don't need shell access to use it (i.e. I can run clojure in a container or remote server), and it is relatively well supported compared to consuming the REPL via a shell buffer

lilactown 2021-05-22T19:54:34.255400Z

it's also cross platform; you don't need to worry as much about windows


Thanks, I didn't deeg deep into socket repl yet, maybe it would be a good way. Seems that it is time to play with it 🙂

dpsutton 2021-05-22T19:57:51.257900Z

it would also be helpful if you say your end goal without any implementation details "I want to easily save entire repl history for human consumption" or something along those lines

lilactown 2021-05-22T19:58:22.259200Z

yw. I've been down the same path a couple times. if you don't want to take on nREPL or any other additional dependencies, prepl might be a good starting point since it's bundled with clojure


@ivana fwiw, I don’t know of any full-time clojurists who use the terminal repl.


final goal is to write my own clojure plugin for vscode


makes sense as a starting point perhaps, but it’s only universal in the sense that everyone has access, not that everyone uses it.

borkdude 2021-05-22T20:00:03.261900Z

@ivana why write your own? There is #calva based on nREPL and there is clover (#chlorine-clover ) based on the socket REPL


I already implemented it and it works as I wish on lein repl, but now I want to expand it on clojure cli too

👍 1

@borkdude cause they both are breaks vscode behaviour and calva has a lot of cons (unfortunatelly)

mauricio.szabo 2021-05-22T20:06:23.264300Z

@ivana may I ask how Clover, for example, breaks VSCode behaviour? Or what are you trying to do with your own plug-in?


@mauricio.szabo give me 5 mins - i"l try to install clover and reproduse

mauricio.szabo 2021-05-22T20:07:26.266100Z

(I'm really curious, to be honest, because Clover does so little 😄)


@mauricio.szabo • install Clover • set vscose setting "remove trailing whitespaces on file saving" • look that with Clover enabled it is not working The same thing with Calva, Calva-fmt etc.

mauricio.szabo 2021-05-22T20:13:20.270500Z

That's quite bizarre - there's nothing specific about this setting on Clover... unless the formatter is conflicting with VSCode's defaults


Can you reproduce it on your vscode? Or it is my local bug only?

mauricio.szabo 2021-05-22T20:17:43.272200Z

I'm opening Codium right now 🙂

mauricio.szabo 2021-05-22T20:19:45.272800Z

Ok, it's not only you: I'm seeing the same behavior.


Yep, and for me it's easier to write my own plugin than to ask authors of existed ones to make fixes 🙂 And sorry, guyes, I know its not an Clover or even editors channel, maybe will be better to continue Clover discussion in specified one 🙂

mauricio.szabo 2021-05-22T20:22:48.276400Z

I have to be honest: I have absolutely no idea why this happens. I disabled Clover, "trailing whitespaces" works. Enable it, stop working. I removed all subscriptions, and it still don't work. There's a "formatter" on Clover, disabled that, didn't work.

mauricio.szabo 2021-05-22T20:25:42.276800Z

I'll have to be honest with you: VSCode API is quite a pain 😄 If you want to write your own plug-in, go ahead, but there are lots of edge-cases that are quite difficult to get it right (or even at all)... that's one of the reasons for my library repl-tooling - so I can test some of these edge-cases without depending on the VSCode API.

mauricio.szabo 2021-05-22T20:25:52.277Z

BTW: found the bug, will issue a fix 😄


Thanks, I'm already met some of vscode specifics 😁 But anyway I'm already wrote my plugin and I use it on my work (just for lein repl-y). I think if someone interested I can make a little stream about it, the reasons and the result. What do you think?

mauricio.szabo 2021-05-22T20:37:41.278Z

I am quite interested, to be honest 🙂


So, then let me do some tryes with clojure cli repls, and then I ask community if any else is interested and will make a little stream 🙂 Thanks for your support!

cfleming 2021-05-22T20:46:34.278500Z

Yes, I seem to recall running across this before, and being surprised that you can put whatever you want in the namespace part of the symbols.

🤷 1
seancorfield 2021-05-22T23:29:21.278800Z

@ivana You could certainly share your journey in #vscode (which isn’t #calva specific) or even in #editors if you end up integrating this into other editors.


@seancorfield thanks, I'l announce some points when it will be more ready.

p-himik 2021-05-22T23:40:30.280200Z

Why does clojure.core.async/map call java.util.Arrays/copyOf before adding the array to the results channel? Why not just use rets directly?

p-himik 2021-05-23T08:33:45.286600Z

Just curiosity. Thought it has something to do with memory and JVM.


@p-himik the rets array get filled with the map over each first item from each chan, then overwritten with the result from each second item from each chan. Without the array copyOf the result you'd get would get overwritten 'underneath' you

👆 1
p-himik 2021-05-23T12:46:20.287Z

Oh, duh! Thanks! I got mentally stuck in my own use-case of a/map where I have N channels of 1 item each.

raspasov 2021-05-23T16:19:45.287500Z

Place-oriented programming is the tar pit (but I understand the need for it as an optimization technique).

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