Hi. Does anyone know, if there is a schedule for ClojureD conference? I thought, I've seen a schedule on the http://clojured.de but I can't find it know.
@darnok: there's no schedule yet but it will be announced very soon I believe
Thanks Martin.
cool. looking forward to it.. booked my flight and room this weekend. So I'm almost ready to go.
@darnok we don't have the full schedule yet. However, the program is already here: http://www.clojured.de/schedule/
Thanks a lot :simple_smile:. I remember that I've seen that, but I don't know, why I couldn't find it :simple_smile:.
@nblumoe: looks really good. thank you for putting this together!
thanks. kudos ping for @martinklepsch @ska and Stefan Edlich, too! 👍
thank you guys!
Karsten Schmidt will give the keynote talk: http://www.clojured.de/schedule/#keynote-creative-clojure