spfeiffer 2018-03-18T19:28:52.000117Z

@chokheli I just look at „Release it“ from them, and i can relate. Paper is thin and feels „cheap“, and the font is a tad too light, first i thought it was printed in „draft“ mode.

agigao 2018-03-18T20:43:06.000077Z

@spfeiffer Have your tried any other books published by them?

spfeiffer 2018-03-18T20:43:29.000012Z

@chokheli No, it is my first.

agigao 2018-03-18T20:44:14.000074Z

So is mine and expecting two others.

agigao 2018-03-18T20:45:15.000064Z

You bought it in Germany, am I right?

spfeiffer 2018-03-18T21:53:21.000144Z

Yes, Amazon Germany. But i think it is the same everywhere.

alexmiller 2018-03-18T22:12:42.000036Z

I just got some new copies of Programming Clojure 3rd ed this week (I’m in the US) in the mail and I do see a little of the bleed through but not the DPI issues. I compared to an O’Reilly book I got this week and they seem approximately the same in paper weight and font color

agigao 2018-03-18T22:28:43.000077Z

I don’t know, perhaps it’s an issue with the ones printed in Germany(?). On Thursday I’ll receive one from the UK, and a week later another from the US and it will be a good enough source to make a conclusion.

spfeiffer 2018-03-18T22:52:40.000051Z

As i said, the paper is thin, the ink from the back bleeds through visually.

spfeiffer 2018-03-18T22:54:05.000040Z

And mine is „printed in the USA“, i expect no differences across the board.