sakalli 2019-10-19T10:56:12.000400Z

Hi * the folks at Scicloj are looking into organizing a Clojure data science meetup in connection to ClojureD end of Feb in Berlin. Are you joining us / interested? Let us know ->

👍 3
martinklepsch 2019-10-21T19:55:24.004900Z

ping @mkvlr

mkvlr 2019-10-21T20:04:47.005300Z

sign me up. Depending on the size and date, we'd be happy to host something at the Nextjournal office as well.

❤️ 1
mkvlr 2019-10-21T20:06:02.005600Z

@martinklepsch 🙏for the reminder, had that form open once before but got distracted before I submitted it

nblumoe 2019-10-19T11:05:22.000700Z

Great initiative, I'm in!

❤️ 2
borkdude 2019-10-19T18:24:02.001400Z

^ @joelkuiper