sakalli 2019-11-15T10:55:20.013400Z

Hi there! So the Clojure Data Science Meetup around ClojureD got some attraction 16 ppl expressed their interest. So we are starting to organize the thing. This is the document where the planning is done. @ramart you mentioned before about co-operation with clojureD. would of course love to do so. Let's talk about it. (sorry I think you wrote your mail here as well, but freemium-slack has eaten it.) Here is the planning document so far.

RAMart 2019-11-15T11:07:45.014500Z

@sakalli Shall we switch to mail? Just Copy & Paste your last Slack message to <|>

sakalli 2019-11-15T13:01:51.014700Z

sounds good!