
Discussions around the Functional Design in Clojure podcast -
spfeiffer 2019-06-23T06:01:40.011700Z

Switching my way of thinking from OO to functional. Took me 3 or 4 attempts to get the grip on it. Before that i did not understand how one can solve real problems with this stuff.

spfeiffer 2019-06-23T06:02:55.012500Z

You know, everything is an expression, no state variables…

spfeiffer 2019-06-23T06:05:48.012600Z

Not single episodes, but i liked the „tetris“ season. I am listening while driving, so i cannot deepdive into every aspect of the discussion mentally. The tetris stuff was easy to follow even with a little distraction. I have no chance understanding lazy-seq while navigating city traffic 😉

spfeiffer 2019-06-23T06:06:54.012800Z

But i enjoy your style of talking (although number of word puns increasing…) and i pick up catch words and ideas that i can explore later…like the lazy-seq.

spfeiffer 2019-06-23T06:10:05.014600Z

These ideas were so ountlandish. But the strange thing stuck in my head and i approached it again and again until suddenly everything made sense 😉