@corasaurus-hex Welcome to the channel!
I haven't listened quite yet, but was about to
No worries. Let me know if you feel like you have any "ah ha" moments when you listen or if anything we say jumps out at you. I'm curious to know what those are.
for sure
so I'm just reading the tic-tac-toe episode and it gave me a great idea
I'm doing a maze generator based on the algorithms in Mazes for Programmers. testing the decisions it makes and the changes that are made based on those changes is hard. but I could keep a reference to each stage of it and the decision that was made between each change and have time travel to confirm what happened
I could even step backwards and forwards in time while displaying it at each decision point
basically visualizing the algorithm
this is nuts
Oh yeah, keeping all of the states yields some pretty cool powers.
Sounds like a fun project!
Time travel is amazing, isn’t it? It’s even cooler that it’s space efficient!