
Discussions around the Functional Design in Clojure podcast -

I would be excited to see more material on logic programming if your looking for ideas

nate 2019-08-05T23:51:54.101100Z

@drewverlee thanks for the suggestion, logic programming is a very interesting topic

nate 2019-08-05T23:52:23.101300Z

have you done much with it or are you exploring it to see what's possible?


I'm coming at it from several directions. I'm learning what's possible. One question is what's easy to do in clojure today with it. Another is, what might be possible in general. I like the idea of pairing datomic (backwards chaining) with a rules engine (forward chaining). As the combination seems to promise a lot of declarative power.

nate 2019-08-06T00:42:26.101700Z

interesting, I'll have to check it out