
Discussions around the Functional Design in Clojure podcast -
nate 2019-12-20T05:33:32.007200Z

@yosevuk that's a great idea. There aren't any episodes that focus on cljs or web stuff so far, but I'll add those to our list for future episodes.

lodin 2019-12-20T09:09:49.007400Z

Yeah. I've assumed that's because (symbol (name x)) gives the same result for :foo as 'foo.


Its not a dumb question at all!

ivar 2019-12-20T22:32:51.013800Z

It would recommend adding labels to the show description indicating if the episodes are standalone or part of a series. i.e.: Tic-tac-toe is 1 through 5, Twitter is 6 through 27, etc As I chosen past episodes that have appeared interesting based on the title & topic, actually listening to the episode required some more context to fully appreciate what was being discussed (especially in the twitter series) so it'd be good to provide more guidance for newer listeners who are digging in the archives.

nate 2019-12-20T23:16:29.015400Z

@ivar I definitely understand, I've wanted to add some context like this for a while. I'll see about adding that.