
Discussions around the Functional Design in Clojure podcast -
genekim 2020-09-05T05:36:49.022100Z

@nate before starting this episode, want to let you know that I used lazy sequences for the first time to amazing effect — Ep 30 sample was so helpful! Allowed me to print out output from long running ffmpeg operation on a background thread, while accumulating it to be returned. Thank you!! ; Separates out I/O. Allows us to compose the processing. (defn process-log [filename f] (with-open [in (io/reader filename)] (->> (line-seq in) (f))))

nate 2020-09-05T15:43:34.023900Z

Oh yes! I remember that episode and the progression toward laziness. Glad it helped you out.

genekim 2020-09-05T05:37:06.022700Z

(Can’t find forward quote key on iPhone keypad. :)

nate 2020-09-05T15:45:38.026400Z

Oh yeah, that frustrated me too. Long press on the single quote and it's the far left one in the pop up. Quite inconvenient for longer code blocks, but at least it's there.

genekim 2020-09-05T18:21:49.028300Z

Whoa... 🤯🤯 yes!! Argh. I didn’t see it because I was pressing too hard — that difference between peek and poke that iOS introduced... thanks!!!!

nate 2020-09-05T18:28:41.028900Z

Always happy to help. 👍