
Discussions around the Functional Design in Clojure podcast -
nate 2020-11-10T16:41:58.051500Z

@heow sorry to miss your thread about let examples, but here's one from my recent code. I posted a short babashka script for downloading artifacts from CircleCI, and the artifacts-for function has an example. The first let line fetches recent builds, but I don't know if I've found a build number that I want, so the artifact-urls local variable is guarded by a when call.

nate 2020-11-10T16:42:41.051600Z

the artifact-urls function:

(defn artifacts-for
  [ci user project job-name]
  (let [recent-builds (-> (recent-builds-url ci user project recent-build-count "completed")
        recent-job-build-num (find-build-num-for recent-builds job-name)
        artifact-urls (when recent-job-build-num
                        (-> (artifacts-url ci user project recent-job-build-num)

nate 2020-11-10T16:43:12.051800Z

It could also be done with a some->>, like this:

(defn artifacts-for
  [ci user project job-name]
  (let [recent-builds (-> (recent-builds-url ci user project recent-build-count "completed")
        artifact-urls (some->> (find-build-num-for recent-builds job-name)
                               (artifacts-url ci user project)

nate 2020-11-10T16:43:34.052Z

it's a little contrived, but I hope it helps as an example


Great thanks a ton!


I know exactly how hard this is, I've written articles on functional programming without code and it's a challenge. :-) That the podcast has a really great job of it!

nate 2020-11-10T17:46:37.052800Z

thanks, it's a tough line to walk, especially in our recent episodes where we focus on a single function

bartuka 2020-11-10T23:49:16.055100Z

I just listen to the Let Tricks episode too 😃 cool. There is a very famous trick in other communities called "Let over Lambda" (there is still a book with the same name) which is using let and defining a function inside the let body. The idea is to create a lexical scope to the variables that are visible only by that function.

bartuka 2020-11-10T23:49:26.055500Z

For example in this code we used this trick

bartuka 2020-11-10T23:51:53.056100Z

these are also called closures