
ClojureScript, a dialect of Clojure that compiles to JavaScript | Currently at 1.10.879

Random question. Are there any here who have any experience with cljs source targeting nodejs ? Working on a project that requires NodeJS, wondering if there are some opportunities to use clojurescript. Seems possible, but has anyone had any success doing it ?

restenb 2020-09-22T12:28:21.076800Z

Hi, check out macchiato:

unbalanced 2020-09-22T16:19:04.080100Z

Yep, I write a lot of nodejs scripts. (although recently I use #babashka more). Message me or post here if you have any questions



ozzloy 2020-09-22T05:28:52.074800Z

@cgdeboer there is a build option to target nodejs, yes

Aron 2020-09-22T05:58:58.075200Z

just to save some face for django, here is their regex

p-himik 2020-09-22T12:41:41.078500Z

TIL history.pushState does not trigger the hashchange event. So if you want to navigate to a new page in your SPA and to also scroll to a particular anchor within that page, you will have to jump through some hoops. Got it working in Chrome with setTimeout + scrollIntoView. But of course that doesn't work in FF for some reason.