i'm creating a bingo game and it currently serves an isolated game to each visitor. i would like to sync the games. i'm looking at sente, but not getting it working. anyone have a good sente tutorial link, or suggestion of some other lib for the job?
Hi, I have a weird issue with recording a video... I'm following https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/media/recording-video , so I conj into a vector chunks
all (.-data %)
of ondataavailable
events, then in the end do (-> chunks (js/Blob.) (.createObjectURL js/URL)
. I set that as the URL of a video element, but it behaves strangely: When I first play the video, I get a video which stops visually at the end of the first clip, and also just displays the total length of it, but continues to play the audio. When I hit play afterwards, it plays the last chunk with matching audio. When I download it, it just contains the first clip. When the camera recording stream is still open, I get a live video feed instead of the recorded video. I have absolutely no idea how that can possibly happen.
Does anyone have an insight to help me?
Can anybody tell why this expression throws NullPointerException
when macroexpanding in CLJS 1.10.758 (but works fine in CLJ)?
(case ()
() 1
(()) 2)
https://github.com/weavejester/haslett looks simple enough, but I also found using the websocket API directly quite straightforward.
thanks! i'll take a look
I got it, I tried to concatenate chunks from different recordings, but that doesn't work. You can only concatenate pieces from the same recording (which where created by requestData
calls or the recording ending)
Replacing the recording with the video stream seems like a different issue, maybe the blob isn't ready or something like that.
Ok, new question, I have a video element with src
set to the result of the above. When the page renders, that element doesn't display correctly, either showing the live video feed or nothing if the feed is closed, but if I add say an extra empty line to my code and let shadow-cljs reload it, it does. What could cause that?
My hunch would be something around state updates not propagating properly somewhere, are you using reagent together with reagent/atom?
Thanks for the answer @victorbjelkholm429, I suspect the same... I'm using re-frame. Upon inspection with dev tools the URL is set correctly though, so I'm not sure what else might influence it
You have some sample code? Try reproduce it in a smaller version and post it here, easier to guess what could have gone wrong then
I got it to work, providing an explicit key depending on the src url fixed it, still not sure why it didn't work without one
Seems like maybe you're changing the src after it already been rendered (hitting this: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#the-source-element "Dynamically modifying a `source` element and its attribute when the element is already inserted in a `video` or `audio` element will have no effect."), while if you add the :key to it, it rerenders the entire element and reinserts it with the new src set, rendering properly.
I thought so, but another SO issue claimed that setting the src element directly, without an embedded <source> element should fix it. I am however replacing another video element with a srcObject and no src, maybe it doesn't rerender that correctly otherwise? :thinking_face:
Hm, yeah, setting src
on video
should update correctly indeed. Strange huh
hello! I'd like to learn cljs as somebody who knows clojure but knows almost nothing about web development (I know HTML and have made a few toys with jquery years ago, but basically know nothing), where should I start? All the resources I can find are for people who already know web dev and don't know clojure rather than the other way around.I don't really want to learn a framework.
You might want to start with figwheel so you can get a CLJS REPL up and running and then hack at a few things to get familiar
If you take that route there’s a #figwheel-main channel you can ping for help, etc. https://figwheel.org/
the main thing I'm not sure about is how to actually affect the web page (which I suppose is DOM stuff?)
Yeah, your options there are going to be to either use something like Reagent or re-frame, or else do the low-level JS stuff by hand.
Been going through the same thing myself, I just started with figwheel and did some basic DOM querying stuff, which was ok but I'm sorta finding that your really want to leverage reagent because the "older" way of setting even listeners on elements, etc is annoying in javascript and I found really clunky via cljs, I think cljs really shines with the reagent ecosystem
I was more going through the dom query stuff for my own knowledge and understanding but its a bit difficult for sure because there are some tricks to the interop
I prefer re-frame to Reagent, but Reagent is easier to start with.
Also if you just look at something like hiccup to render static HTML, that’s an even simpler foundation to build on
I feel liike reagent is too big for what i want to do (which is mostly just small experiments) but I'm not sure how big it actually is
Do you have any recommendations for server side rendered reframe apps, I'm sorta looking for a next.js replacement in cljs. I'm seeing some templates for figwheel that kindof get there but wasn't sure if there was something similar out there?
Well, the range that Reagent covers is pretty broad, but there’s simple stuff you can do.
I haven’t done much server-side rendering myself.
Yea the SSR thing is likely the requirement for most of the things I work on so was wondering how people do that and also have some light api routes in the same codebase without splitting things into a frontend and a backend service... more best practices because I see there's a few ways people are doing it
I think I'll check out reagent, it seems to be the way most people go. And just mess around in figwheel and figure stuff out (the best way to learn)
@nihilazo If you want some examples of DOM only projects in CLJS there is this repo: https://github.com/athomasoriginal/clojurescript-30
There is also this playlist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P60dMljS-OM&list=PLaGDS2KB3-ArG0WqAytE9GsZgrM-USsZA if your looking for info on setting up a CLJS project from scratch. Maybe not as useful given your Clojure background.
please forgive my ignorance, is reagent SPA only or SSR support is on roadmap?
Should be possible to do server-side rendering with Reagent, it's part of the API. One thread about it: https://clojureverse.org/t/cljs-server-side-rendering-with-reagent/3995, unfortunately it seems like reagent.dom.server
is cljs only, not cljc, so no calling with clojure
thats good to know, thank you very much!
Looks like fetching too much data server side could impact performance as well this way
This may be a little naive since I'm a bit new but I wonder if anyone has tried an approach similar to ReasonML where you just compile the js files alongside the cljs files in a framework like next.js and just leverage that ecosystem for the actual web framework parts
Yeah, fetching too much data will impact performance anywhere 🙂 If you're just looking for generating HTML ala static websites, go for hiccup and save the results to disk. And if you want to use next.js, you just go ahead and use it, as cljs ultimately become JS and you can interop with anything that can run JS (for most parts)
Mostly, I'm trying to understand what you're looking for here
Yea what I'm looking for is the framework of next.js but instead of typescript having the clojurescript environment
getting the advantages cljs but also having the advantages next.js put into its build system and way of structuring the application
Definitely not static sites though
maybe check this out? https://github.com/thheller/next-cljs Haven't tried it myself, might not work as it's 2 years old and some things in shadow-cljs might have changed (ask in #shadow-cljs if you can't figure out what's going on/wrong)
Ah interesting I'll take a look, definitely a little dated but maybe can re-purpose the methods they use
in general it shouldn't be overly difficult interfacing with anything you're familiar with from JS, might requiring some tweaking and will also depend on the tooling you're using
Yea the ReasonML integration wth next is just a standard next codebase and but with .re files that compile to js output right in the same directories... next then just ignores the file types it doesn't understand
the downside to this being that it uses reason and not clojurescript lol
but the concept would be the same I just have to dig into how that would work with the repl and tooling I have since I'm still new to cljs
I guess you just have to support separate output directories
maybe with this :modules
section it can do the same
yeah, I guess no one has worked seriously on something cljs+next.js because there doesn't seem to be a ton of benefits if compared to just using hiccup+reagent directly in cljs, or rendering hiccup with clj
Oh, I probably have to dig into hiccup I haven't seen that part of the ecosystem yet
Just getting familiar with some of the tooling probably will help me get to where I need to be but really I think I want to use re-frame + server side rendering + api routes if needed to interact with a remote database and perform some basic server side stuff
and then maybe express + figwheel to serve it all
if you're just getting into cljs, start with just shadow-cljs + reagent for starters, before jumping into lots of other things. I think you'll find that you generally need less stuff when building stuff with Clojure
ahh shadow-cljs does seem to be more what I'm looking for
definitely a bit simpler to see the tying together of everything
yeah, great docs too :thumbsup:
yea i was getting really confused by the figwheel docs though I enjoyed the actual dev environment
What's the usecase of using an SPA library to render a static page server-side?
If you had a bunch of pages that required data from say a headless CMS of some kind or user data from the database. Basically all public facing websites need to be server side rendered to index with search engines. In the case of things that are password protected we've found server side rendering will give users a much faster time to first paint rather than pulling down an empty html doc, then fetching data, then rendering it as with a classic client side rendered spa. So really its for rendering dynamic pages, I rarely use static site builders because in general users tend to want to be able to preview their data and for really large sites always building static files is a drag.
The other side of this is why next.js? The parts of next.js that I like are you can have SSR, static generation, or client side generation all living in the same codebase based upon need. The other is some of their frontend optimizations like link components pre-fetching views for you as users scroll give a very snappy performance client side. In general, next has a really great ecosystem when it comes to the output it generates for the end user. They also have the optional /api
directory should you need a few backend routes for your app.
Ultimately I don't really care if the end solution is next.js but was looking for something that provided those options on the CLJS side of things since that ultimately is what the hang up would be for using it on a production project for me.
If I could combine the framework and the language it would really give me some large productivity gains I think. It's likely that shadow-cljs and reagent can get me somewhere close, but I think I'm still too green to be able to put something out in production so I was hoping to shortcut that process but piping it into a framework I already knew well. For instance ReasonML has a nextjs interop example that makes sense and I was thinking of trying to replicate it for that purpose with cljs.
Hello all,
I'm trying to follow @dnolen's webpack tutorial (https://clojurescript.org/guides/webpack), but when I run clj -m cljs.main -co build.edn -v -c -r
I get the following error:
leif@FEM ~/test/hello-bundler (main*) $ clj -m cljs.main -co build.edn -v -c -r
Options passed to ClojureScript compiler: {:infer-externs true, :output-dir "out", :closure-warnings {:check-types :off, :check-variables :off}, :closure-defines {"cljs.core._STAR_global_STAR_" "window", "cljs.core._STAR_target_STAR_" "bundle"}, :ups-libs nil, :cache-analysis true, :closure-module-roots [], :optimizations :none, :ups-foreign-libs [], :verbose true, :aot-cache true, :preloads [process.env clojure.browser.repl.preload], :ignore-js-module-exts [".css"], :output-to "out/index.js", :nodejs-rt false, :preamble ["cljs/imul.js"], :bundle-cmd {:none ["npx" "webpack" "out/index.js" "-o" "out/main.js" "--mode=development"], :default ["npx" "webpack" "out/index.js" "-o" "out/main.js"]}, :browser-repl true, :ups-externs nil, :opts-cache "cljsc_opts.edn", :hashbang false, :source-map true, :cache-analysis-format :transit, :target :nodejs, :main hello-bundler.core, :language-in :es6, :emit-constants nil, :npm-deps true}
Copying cached /home/leif/.cljs/.aot_cache/1.10.741/130A86D/cljs/core.js to out/cljs/core.js
Reading analysis cache for jar:file:/home/leif/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojurescript/1.10.741/clojurescript-1.10.741.jar!/cljs/core.cljs
Compiling /home/leif/test/hello-bundler/src/hello_bundler/core.cljs to out/hello_bundler/core.js
Unexpected error (ExceptionInfo) compiling at (REPL:1).
No such namespace: react, could not locate react.cljs, react.cljc, or JavaScript source providing "react" in file /home/leif/test/hello-bundler/src/hello_bundler/core.cljs
Full report at:
Which seems to indicate that its not using :bundle
, but is actually running :target :nodejs
. Any thoughts on why this might be?Also for reference, I've put the code I have here: https://github.com/LeifAndersen/hello-bundle, but it is should be the same as the tutorial.
Wow, I feel silly, I had forgotten to make sure react was installed. https://twitter.com/_uosl/status/1314650404978855941 Thanks. 🙂
I mean, Fulcro can do SSR, but really, if I want to do SSR the last thing I'd use is a client-side library... That's like using a parachute to climb up a mountain
Hi all, I absolutely love what defonce + figwheel/shadow-cljs provides, though I work in JS (React/Apollo/Redux) for my daily work at the moment. Does anyone know of a defonce equivalent for JS apps?
in JS community (React at least) it's called Hot Code Reload or something like that, where only components that have changed will be updated and newly renderer. You could implement defonce
by leveraging state/props in your component hierarchy, so you have a data fetcher component that wraps the component needing the data, and only when you actually change the data fetcher would it reload it's data, if you change the stateless component within, it won't reload the data fetcher
one gotcha i've run into with reloading js code is the const
keyword is not reload friendly as it will throw an error if you try to rebind something with the same name.
"reloading JS code" is not really the same as "reloading CLJS code", at least in the React Hot Code Reload world, as it's not all code that gets reloaded, either the component itself gets reloaded and reinserted or the entire file gets reevaluated, while in clojure land it's just updating vars with new forms, regardless
Well if you have a lot of client side framework needs its very powerful. Otherwise you have to do vanilla dom OR SSR but google really makes the decision for you saying it msut be SSR. What you want is the client side frameowrk to take over after that point for a better frontend experience.
I guess it depends on how JS code reload is implemented. So far, I've only seen full page reloads.
But if it's in any way close to what figwheel/shadow-cljs do, then you should be able to implement defonce
yourself in JS - its implementation is rather simple and in raw JS it should be even simpler, I think.
Yea if it is a website, so, something containing searchable and Google-indexable info, https://htmx.org/ is my go-to way of doing things. And when writing an SPA, I go with Fulcro, but then I don't use the SSR since due to it being an application there's nothing of value for Google 🙂