That's one of the weird things, there isn't a stacktrace.> (def b (fetch-block sfile "27hsXhXLBCT9zpPv"))
#object[TypeError TypeError: coll.cljs$core$IEmptyableCollection$_empty$arity$1 is not a function]>
This is the output from cider repl. Just two lines.I found the problem code two levels below the call shown above.
If it’s a browser based repl you can check the console and in the repl you can evaluate *e to see if it has the stack trace
Hello everyone,
I have a `shadow-cljs` react application.
I am trying to add external yarn package react-google-recaptcha
for google recaptcha human verification. The problem is its rendering an empty div <div> </div>
Need help.
required in ns
[“react-google-recaptcha” :refer [ReCAPTCHA]]
{ :sitekey “APIKYS”
:size “normal”
:onChange #(handleChange)})
I supose that $
come from the Helix lib (React wrapper).
If so, maybe you can try
#js {:sitekey "APIKYS"
:size "normal"
:onChange #(handleChange)})
Forget about my last suggestion.
In fact, you should try to call you required like that
["react-google-recaptcha" :default ReCAPTCHA]
The lib export only one default class
You can find a useful table in Shadow-CLJS docs here:
Thanks so much everyone
@admin055 I was able the get it working by using your second suggestion ["react-google-recaptcha" :default ReCAPTCHA]
Ty 🙌:skin-tone-2:
@p-himik $ is Helix lib
My pleasure. 👍