
ClojureScript, a dialect of Clojure that compiles to JavaScript | Currently at 1.10.879
Mr. Savy 2020-12-31T02:54:25.023100Z

hello! I'm trying to do some website stuff in clojurescript, and I have a basic CSS question. Does anyone know of any public chat for css questions specifically that I could go to so I can get additional help?

p-himik 2020-12-31T08:26:47.023400Z

We have #css but there are not many people there. Any generic web development server should have a CSS discussion channel. A quick search landed me on


What's your css question @ajsnow2012?

Mr. Savy 2021-01-01T00:03:30.025400Z

@andyfry01 I'm trying to understand how overflow works. Right now, I have some content whose overflow is registered to the body , but I would like for it to be registered to the root div if possible. The content that causes the overflow is inside the outer box div. ex:


I think moving your overflow: scroll attr from the body element to the outerbox div would probably do the trick, but its hard to say without a visual example. If you could put it into a codepen or something then that would make it easier to debug.


I dont think you'd need an overflow property on the root element unless your whole app is going to be rendered at a fixed height and width.


The CSS Tricks blog is a great resource btw:

Mr. Savy 2021-01-01T02:08:33.026700Z

I was actually just looking at that article. I don't have a scroll overflow attached to the body. Here should be an approximate example of the code I'm working with


Alright, I think this is what youโ€™re trying to do: Check out line 59 in the CSS. Given that you were using the overflow-wrap property, I might have misunderstood what your issue is, seeing as that prop looks like itโ€™s used for controlling text wrapping as opposed to general element overflow, but at any rate, hope this helps!

Mr. Savy 2021-01-01T20:06:24.028700Z

thank you!

p-himik 2020-12-31T08:26:47.023400Z

We have #css but there are not many people there. Any generic web development server should have a CSS discussion channel. A quick search landed me on

Erkan 2020-12-31T11:39:29.023900Z

after lot's of struggle, thank you so much @p-himik!

(.apply gl.uniform2f gl (into-array (cons location values)))


What's your css question @ajsnow2012?