
ClojureScript, a dialect of Clojure that compiles to JavaScript | Currently at 1.10.879
solf 2021-02-11T01:32:39.119800Z

No experience using cljs libraries for css, but here's a (futur) tailwind-like possible contender: I think it's pre-alpha though.

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West 2021-02-11T01:52:00.120400Z

I’m really curious as well about this topic.

Oliver George 2021-02-11T05:37:30.120800Z

I'm trying to port a re-frame app to use the new :bundle target based on the webpack tutorial. Prior to this I used the approach from the old webpack tutorial. I'm finding webpack takes inpractically long (10 minutes) to perform chunk asset optimisation.

% webpack --progress resources/public/js/index.js -o resources/public/js/app.js
92% chunk asset optimization TerserPlugin ... 
If I configure the TerserPlugin and set compress: false it improves to a few seconds. I suspect the slowness is caused by webpack chewing on the ~2mb advanced build output from my app. Are there recommended webpack settings to avoid pointless "compress the compressed file" slowness? PS. I've created a


In the interests of completeness, I've now also been told about a Tailwind-ish approach:


And another related library (done in the last 5 hours ?):

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grazfather 2021-02-11T18:33:55.126200Z

hey guys. I don’t know anything near modern js, and I don’t know cljs, but I have a bit of a project idea and I’d like to do both the front and back end in clj[s]. It mostly deals with collecting and presenting datat. Wondering if any of you guys have suggestion on what library I might use on the front end to show the data. Specifically I want a line graph low water threshold, and maybe shading based ontime of day (on x). Literally just a temperature plot of indoor vs outdoor

grazfather 2021-02-12T13:32:09.139200Z

Yeah, I wasn’t even aware of Vega, but last night I did some playing around with Oz, which wraps vega and vega light, and it might fit the bill. Will try to find some D3 lib.

p-himik 2021-02-11T19:55:46.126500Z

If you mean plotting library, then I'm pretty happy with Vega. There are also some wrappers for D3, although you could use it directly via interop.