
ClojureScript, a dialect of Clojure that compiles to JavaScript | Currently at 1.10.879

I guess it will have to be a macro because of the bindings.

henrik42 2021-02-14T11:17:57.168700Z

Hi, I know of Reagent/React and the way it constructs the DOM. But what if I wanted to express DOM manipulation as data? Could I use zippers for that? Any other idea?

p-himik 2021-02-14T11:22:57.168800Z

My first thought was about and its result.

p-himik 2021-02-14T11:23:19.169Z

But it may end up being more verbose than the end result.

william 2021-02-14T11:37:58.170100Z

Hi, I'd appreciate some input or pointer on how you automatically execute you unit-tests (I use shadow-cljs) - ideally from inside emacs

henrik42 2021-02-14T12:25:16.170200Z

The question came up when I realized that DOM event-handlers must be mutators to have any effect. They may use pure functions internally. But in the end they must have some side effects. So I was wondering if one could express this side effect (DOM mutation) as data. So I would trade more verbosity for better testability. Does that make sense?

p-himik 2021-02-14T12:30:09.170400Z

It does, although I don't think I've seen such approach implemented anywhere. It sounds like you want to tightly couple any UI events that have to be reflected back in UI with the structure of the UI itself. If that's the case, I'd argue that it's not the best approach. Consider re-frame for example. There, views determine their state based on the data. There's no mutation of the DOM - there are mutations of the data that, in turn, creates potentially different views. The events trigger the data mutations - they don't care about the views at all.

henrik42 2021-02-14T12:36:27.171Z

I agree. Using data in the first place and construct the DOM from there is much nicer than poking into the DOM. But we have a JSF app with JS parts and I'm thinking on how to improve things a little. And part of improvement could be to have testable event callbacks. React & co are not an option at the moment.

dazld 2021-02-14T12:38:43.173600Z

In practice, DOM updates trigger all kinds of other stuff inside the browser too - for example reflow when reading or changing attributes - much of the magic in view libraries is, I think, in batching the updates in a performant way.

p-himik 2021-02-14T12:39:41.174700Z

Ah, I see. An alternative approach would be to extract any DOM-modifying code in separate functions and then split them into DOM manipulation primitives. This way, you don't have to be able to handle arbitrarily complex DOM manipulations - you just have to handle and compose a bunch of primitives.

william 2021-02-14T15:34:06.175700Z

solved: I first start shadow-cljs from my emacs instance. Then I visit localhost:9630, and manually activate my testing build. The output of that goes to my emacs repl automatically.

henrik42 2021-02-14T18:39:06.175900Z

Right, many things that you do to the DOM will trigger a cascade of other things. My focus really is testability of my event handlers at the moment. EDIT: and as a first step I would be satisfied if I could just check that my handler 'does its job'. Of course that does not tell you anything about if the cascade of things that get triggered by that will lead to the correct behavior. I would like to express the mutation as data so that I can compare that against a reference value. A 'diff of DOM' could work but would tie the data to the concete DOM structure. Very fragile. What about something like a clojure-equivalent of XSLT? This would allow for more generic mutations that could 'reach into' the DOM to select those nodes that need mutation.

henrik42 2021-02-14T18:40:51.176100Z

@p-himik Good idea. That would be a DSL for DOM mutation. Could XSLT be that DSL?

p-himik 2021-02-14T18:42:36.176300Z

HTML5 in general is not a valid XML, so I don't think so.

p-himik 2021-02-14T18:46:02.176500Z

But even if HTML5 was a proper XML, you still wouldn't be able to use it. Consider a plain <input type="text">. And then you change the value. The layout is not changed at all, the value attribute will not be set. But inputElement.value will be different. XSLT cannot reflect that.

p-himik 2021-02-14T18:47:52.176900Z

(I just realized that I was by default assuming you're using HTML5, whereas you could be using XHTML. But the point about value still stands.)

henrik42 2021-02-14T18:50:08.177100Z

I'm not targeting HTML or XML. I would like to do somethimg like XSLT to the DOM. In memory. Not a file. And the DOM should be a tree. Isn't it?

p-himik 2021-02-14T18:53:22.177300Z

You asked specifically about XSLT, and I believe I have answered that. Regarding "something like XSLT" - no idea. Maybe it's possible, maybe not. Also, an HTML document is only a tree if you don't use any JS. Otherwise, it's easy to link elements together via closures, thus creating loops and turning the tree into a graph.

henrik42 2021-02-14T22:29:43.177800Z

Thanks for your thoughts on this. I did some googling and found this: and sounds as if it could be a start. Have to think more about what I'm trying to do.

p-himik 2021-02-14T22:32:47.178300Z

Honestly, no idea how you gonna use specter in this scenario. :) In short, it's just an arguably nicer way to process deeply nested collections, that's it. It won't help you with arbitrary DOM tree transformations. At least, not more than a regular Clojure code would. I'm not familiar with iconhide at all so cannot really comment.