
ClojureScript, a dialect of Clojure that compiles to JavaScript | Currently at 1.10.879
Ashour Badine 2021-06-13T02:58:31.198700Z

hi all, i want to develop an android app using clojurescript. i see re-natal being recommended, but it hasn't been updated since 2019. are there other tools/technologies that are better to use? does anyone know how i should get started developing for android/mobile in general using clojurescript?

raspasov 2021-06-13T14:17:14.199600Z

shadow-cljs, figwheel-main, krell are viable options

blak3mill3r 2021-06-13T21:43:59.200100Z <-- I have not tried this yet but it looks interesting. I'm told you can get a CLJS repl on iOS/Android with figwheel

Ruy Valle 2021-06-14T01:37:39.200500Z

likewise with expo + shadow-cljs, not sure about expo + krell

Ashour Badine 2021-06-14T22:37:15.202Z

thanks for the answers everyone

Ruy Valle 2021-06-13T04:39:48.198800Z

afaik, react-native is the way to go. there are several options, including shadow-cljs and krell. there is #cljsrn channel for cljs + rn