Hi ... is anyone actually using clojuresque? or is there a newer option for working with gradle? I've recently joined a project that uses gradle and have never touched it. Would appreciate a little help getting it working with cider ...
pretty sure it's dead. there are much better options for working with clojure - boot, leiningen
@mobileink yup ... I know ... even maven seems like a better option, but that's not really a helpful answer ... just joining a project that uses gradle ... everyone else seems to get away with using cursive, but I can't really get on with intelij ... so i need to work out how to cider-jack-in to this gradle project
it seems unlikely that i'll be able to rewrite this 425 line build.gradle file on day 2 ... 😜
you're probably better off asking on #clojure, or maybe even #off-topic
sorry my answer wasn't helpful 😉
😉 ... np ... at least i got an answer 😉
that was kinda more than i was expecting given the last commit date on bitbucket
let's move to #off-topic, i offer some harebrained ideas there. you first: explain what you want to do, i'll bet you'll get some answers.
thanks for the advice