
plexus 2019-09-07T10:15:34.000900Z

Did a bit of optimization work, rendering a page in a channel with a lot of history (e.g. clojurescript) went from over 2 seconds to 0.07 second

plexus 2019-09-07T10:16:37.001700Z

@dorab @rahul080327 maybe time to start using the public channel again, so I can point people here who are interested to help or want to know what's up

lispyclouds 2019-09-07T15:20:20.002300Z

would be great @plexus! also maybe annouce that we are live again?

lispyclouds 2019-09-07T15:21:25.002900Z

we can move to a fully community built/maintained mode with the code 😄