@pupeno: how many talks have you submitted?
@thomas: 2, anatomy of an SPA, and What is a macro.
ok cool. I was thinking there for a moment you would do all the talking for two days 😉
@thomas: I’m also part of @agile_geek’s panel on editors, representing IntelliJ+Cursive.
@thomas: I love giving presentations and I done it a bunch, so, I’m ok with it.
@pupeno: looking forward to your talks, just hoping to get mine in as well 😉
I’d rather not have them one after the other as it can get insane (and doesn’t allow me to keep on going with private conversations about the presentation). Been there, done that. 😛
@thomas: what’s yours about?
I submitted a talk with @malcolmsparks doing an REST api with Compojure (me) and the same with Yada (Malcolm)
kinda compare and contrast thingy
Oh! I’m doing API-first development right now, so, I’m interested in seeing that. I’m using compojure-api (with swagger: https://ninjatools.herokuapp.com/api/index.html)
@pupeno: we should get the panel together in early November to discuss what format we want this panel to take.
Sounds good to me.
@pupeno: I’ll set up a Doodle poll to pick an appropriate time (might ask Skills Matter if we can use a room)
I’m happy to host for this if it’s convenient. I’m in Bayswater.
I’ll contact everyone in next day or so to organise
@agile_geek: a meta panel?
@agile_geek: sorry just a joke
@malcolmsparks: obviously over my head!