Let me know (DM if you want) if there's anything you'd like for next year or things we could have done differently.
@agile_geek: DM sent
I wanted to add to @agile_geek 's comment as well.. really good conference. loved.
and almost recovered
I'd be very happy to receive feedback too
@otfrom: the only feedback I gave to agile_geek: chairs in the back could be placed on a podium, so you can see the speakers better (they did this in Euroclojure 2014 and that worked well)
borkdude: that's probably a good idea for all skillsmatter events then
and the lights on the screen made it hard to read low contrast colours, like red on black, from the back.
but if this is all we are critiquing then I think we can say it was a success?
a huge success!
@otfrom: another option would be to place a TV sideways
I think Euroclojure 2014 had both