
See you in 2021!
Hukka 2018-09-19T06:26:18.000100Z

For extra cost?

Hukka 2018-09-19T06:26:59.000100Z

We were wondering why it wasn't live, if it was actually also edited live (IIUC)

Hukka 2018-09-19T06:28:14.000100Z

Not sure if we have any real need for that high grade job (instead of doing our lightning talk recordings inhouse), but it's good to have a known good pro option in the back pocket for more public things

nilrecurring 2018-09-19T06:33:34.000100Z

> We were wondering why it wasn’t live, if it was actually also edited live (IIUC) Otherwise no one would come at the conf I guess 😄