Here is the event for the data science Clojure meetup on the day before ClojuTRE: Thanks @toni.vanhala , for creating this.
Why is this so early in the afternoon? 😞
so many things happening... if only there was some kind of app so people could register these activities :thinking_face: 😄
maybe next year! 😄
so many things happening, but plane ticket booked early, so cannot go to all the things 😕
@daslu I can't find anything about prizes or rewards for the hackaton... do you know anything about that? will some of the projects be funded afterwards?
@plexus I have no idea :face_with_rolling_eyes: -- maybe @konrad.kuehne knows?
@plexus I also didn't see anything about rewards in the meetup description and registration email but I'll ask the people hosting the event.
It seems like an interesting topic and I'm considering participating, but I'm not gonna give a Saturday worth of free labor for lunch and a t-shirt