Hotels in Helsinki have been super crowded – and thus expensive too – this autumn because of our Precidency of the Council of the European Union 😕
The hotels are prohibitively expensive and there are very few vacancies… 😞
Ah, that explains it
will there be a presenter device (so you can browse through sheets from a distance)?
I can bring my own, but if it's not necessary, I'll leave it at home
is there any place to sign up for the Crux workshop?
@borkdude I have a simple Logitec clicker that I'm happy to lend out, but I'm sure between organizers, A/V people and other speakers there will be a handful to go around 🙂
Probably not, we'll have chairs for ~30 people but the workshop room itself will fit 140+ - it will take place in "sali1" or "sali2"
@borkdude we/metosin will also bring clickers, but pretty sure the A/V people has those.
alright, I'll leave it at home. one less electronic device to bring through customs.
thanks @plexus for the offer. are you also giving a presentation?
no, not at ClojuTRE, but I'm traveling on afterwards to give a workshop with a client 🙂
I'll grease my elbows 😛