this internet is working 😉
I figured this would be helpful for the future development of cloverage
Gitter is also a possibility, but I’m not sure how many people use it
I ❤️ the concept of Gitter but I understand that not everyone wants “yet another chat client” open all day
gitter is kinda easier to sign up for. or well, you only click github signin
was a little confused about how to get slack to let me in here
I agree
maybe that’s a topic to be brought up to the maintainers when that’s figured out
Just wanted to chime in and say that I’d love to see a boot-cloverage
seems like rfkm doesn't have much time unfortunately, but then again, who does
i actually kinda wrote half of it already 🙂
got sidetracked by writing one for hydrox this morning though
happy to help as well
well, so far i'm doing the same as the lein one and just call -main with a vector of strings but that is honestly a pain
i guess refactoring the main & parsing & report writing into 3 methods would be nicer for a task
could also benefit the lein plugin
I would imagine that if http://github.com/cloverage becomes the gatekeeper, the 3 libs could live in there
“core”, lein-cloverage
and boot-cloverage
yeah, i don't really care for either option. could also stay in one repo although that always feels a bit weird for me
but some people like that
anyway, i gotta sign off, i'll read up tomorrow
I like them separate for release strategy reasons