lvh 2016-08-12T00:00:08.000069Z

that’s what worries me because there’s no objective criterion for that to end

jaceklach 2016-08-12T00:00:08.000070Z

eh, I think it’s a mix

jaceklach 2016-08-12T00:00:15.000071Z

> Sorry for playing a certain amount of hardball on this one, but we don't want to massively reshuffle things until we see if this works well. this is certainly relevant

lvh 2016-08-12T00:00:30.000072Z

so even if we have this productivity forever...

lvh 2016-08-12T00:00:44.000073Z


jaceklach 2016-08-12T00:00:52.000074Z

well, I think part of it is the case of people getting used to the idea

lvh 2016-08-12T00:00:54.000075Z

It feels like dysfunction is what we already have though 😄

lvh 2016-08-12T00:00:56.000076Z


lvh 2016-08-12T00:01:06.000077Z

I agree, and that’s kinda what worries me

lvh 2016-08-12T00:01:16.000078Z

it’s a social problem, not a technical one (isn’t it always)

jaceklach 2016-08-12T00:06:22.000079Z

yeah, definitely. A mix of status quo bias and a certain degree of entitlement.

jaceklach 2016-08-12T00:14:24.000080Z

I’d consider asking Tom directly if he’s the person making the decision about whether and when cloverage can be transfered to the github group. If he’s not, ask to involve them in the conversation directly (I expect there’s a certain amount of he-said she-said going on when you ask for specific requirements); possibly via email if they’re more comfortable with a private conv. Maybe give them a day to respond to your last comments though 😛 Also be aware that everyone in LShift is in the UK so the timezones are part of why the discussion takes a while

jaceklach 2016-08-12T00:20:04.000081Z

Anyway, good luck, and I wanna say again how I’m really happy to see some movement around cloverage again 🙂

lvh 2016-08-12T00:36:09.000082Z

sure, I also want to be cognizant of their point of view

lvh 2016-08-12T00:36:21.000083Z

I think it’ll end up OK, it’s just, eh, uncomfortable right now

lvh 2016-08-12T00:36:31.000084Z

I am definitely glad that it is moving as well

lvh 2016-08-12T00:36:42.000085Z

It’s hard for me to argue for Clojure internally when we can’t have decent code coverage