lvh 2016-09-02T00:32:30.000003Z

@jaceklach lshift has indicated wanting to keep control over release-cutting

lvh 2016-09-02T00:32:38.000004Z

on The Ticket(TM)

lvh 2016-09-02T00:32:57.000005Z

it’s not clear to me how they will react if I ignore them and just cut a release

lvh 2016-09-02T00:33:00.000006Z

maybe I should just do that

lvh 2016-09-02T00:33:17.000007Z

I have a calendar event for reminding them that it’s been a month

jaceklach 2016-09-02T01:36:09.000009Z

I'd suggest just doing a @palfrey in the 103 first saying that you feel like this is the right point to cut a release (if it is), see what he says. The last comments there kinda digressed, so I'm not sure whether he's aware of the timing

jaceklach 2016-09-02T01:36:20.000010Z

if that gets no answer I feel like just releasing it should be fine

lvh 2016-09-02T22:01:28.000011Z

done; thanks for the suggestion 🙂